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Nevertheless, moonlight, or a clear night, is indispensable; without one or the other, it would be impossible to follow through the woods. A view of a 'coon-chase is a luxury enjoyed only by the hats and owls. "Pompo was now let loose in the corn; while Abe and I walked quietly along the fence, keeping on different sides.

The 'coon-chase, I have already said, is a nocturnal sport. The raccoon does range by day, but rarely, and only in dark and solitary woods. He often basks by day upon high limbs, or the broken tops, of trees. I have shot several of his tribe while asleep, or sunning themselves in such situations. Perhaps before they knew their great enemy man, they were less nocturnal in their activity.

"The other two ran back into the `funnel, but only to come out again just in time to receive a shot each from the reloaded gun, which brought both of them tumbling from the tree. We succeeded in bagging the whole family; and thus finished what Abe declared to be the greatest `'coon-chase on de record.

I had often shared in this peculiar sport of the negro, and joined in a real 'coon-chase, but the most exciting of all was the first in which I had been engaged, and I proffered my comrades an account of it. "My 'coon-chase took place in Tennessee, where I was sojourning for some time upon a plantation.

"I knew that in Abe's vocabulary for that night at least a `varmint' meant a 'coon; and as we dashed through the brushwood, following the dog, I felt all the excitement of a 'coon-chase. "It was not a long one I should think of about five minutes' duration; at the end of which time the yelp of the dog which had hitherto guided us, changed into a regular and continuous harking.