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"There ain't no danger of any woman bein' treated rude in these parts." "I know it, by Jove!" cried Henderson, in quick contriteness. "All right," grunted Gillispie, in tacit acceptance of this apology. "I guess you thought you was in civilized parts." Two days after this Waite came in late to his supper. "Well, I seen her," he announced.

This inspection was followed by a thoughtful and tearful period of meditation; and finally, with contriteness, the young woman picked up from her studio floor the shreds of the letter and pasted them carefully together on a white sheet of paper, in which form she still preserved the first honest opinion she had ever received.

"Some reflection of contriteness must have beamed its acknowledgment of the justice of her virtuous outburst in the glance which held her in its ardent fascination, for Lal Lu resumed, in a voice sensibly modulated and with a demeanor curiously softened: "'Long have I known of thee, O prince! "'Before all others have I placed thee.

"The trouble with you chaps," he said severely, "is that as long as you've managed to get a silly old leather wind-bag over a fool streak of lime you think it doesn't matter how much you've broke yourselves to pieces." "Yes, it's very thoughtless of us," murmured Neil with deep contriteness. "Humph!" growled the doctor. "See you in the morning."

"I am inexcusably awkward," he avowed with engaging contriteness. The Duke protested that it was not worth mention, and added with a smile, "I noticed that you came from that yacht. I think she is one of the most beautiful little vessels I have ever seen." "Thank you, Monsieur." Blanco was apparently much flattered.

"And then a twist?" quizzed the Traveling Salesman earnestly, jotting down the memorandum very carefully on the shiny black surface of his sample-case. "Oh, I hope I ain't been too familiar," he added, with sudden contriteness. "Maybe I ought to have introduced myself first. My name's Clifford. I'm a drummer for Sayles & Sayles. Maine and the Maritime Provinces that's my route.

She preferred to say with meek contriteness that she knew she had been very idle, but she would do her best to atone for her idleness by working every lawful moment of every hour of the few weeks which were left to her, if Miss Lascelles would but allow her to go in for the examination, preparatory to trying for the scholarship.

She was rosy red, partly because of the wine-like morning air through which she had walked swiftly, but more, perhaps, because of a very real embarrassment and contriteness of spirit. "I came," she faltered "I am here that is will you ever forgive me! Down went the papers, and round Hermione went Curtis's strong arms.

But it was before a court of feminine intuition that Bas Rowlett stood arraigned, and his specious contriteness fell flat as it came from his lips. Dorothy was looking at him now in the glare of revelation and seeing a loathsome portrait. "An hour ago," she declared with no relenting in the deep blaze of her eyes, "I believed all good of ye.

These blasphemous words the young woman repeated after the unwashed saint, who, standing upon a sort of dais in the big upstairs salon, still held up the jewelled cross suspended from his neck in front of him. "Salvation is in contriteness," the monk went on, for that was what the sly scoundrel had invented. "Contriteness can only come after we have sinned.