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"Both," said Black Tom, scratching his big head, as bald as a bladder. Cæsar flashed about with his face to the glass partition. "You're like the rest of the infidels, sir," said he, "only spaking to contradick yourself calling God the Almighty, and telling in the same breath of something He can't do." Meanwhile an encounter of another sort was going on at the ingle.

Lammeter's cow, else you told a lie when you said it was a red Durham." "I tell no lies," said the butcher, with the same mild huskiness as before, "and I contradick none not if a man was to swear himself black: he's no meat o' mine, nor none o' my bargains. All I say is, it's a lovely carkiss. And what I say, I'll stick to; but I'll quarrel wi' no man."

Mother often said father's advantages was great, for you always knew where he was, 'n' 'f you drew down the shade you c'd tell him it was rainin' 'n' he could n't never contradick." Mrs. Lathrop nodded acquiescently but made no comment. Miss Clegg withdrew somewhat from her confidentially inclined attitude. "I won't be out in the mornin'," she said.

"I knew that very well," said the farrier, throwing himself backward again, and speaking defiantly; "if I don't know Mr. Lammeter's cows, I should like to know who does that's all. And as for the cow you've bought, bargain or no bargain, I've been at the drenching of her contradick me who will." The farrier looked fierce, and the mild butcher's conversational spirit was roused a little.

But what I vote is, as two of the sensiblest o' the company should go with you to Master Kench, the constable's he's ill i' bed, I know that much and get him to appoint one of us his deppity; for that's the law, and I don't think anybody 'ull take upon him to contradick me there.

"That's no vera likly," answered Maggie with a smile, as she stood in the doorway, in the wakeful night of the northern summer: "it's ane o' the Lord's ain lammies 'at he cam to the hills to seek. He's fund this ane!" "Weel, weel, my bonnie doo, it sanna be for me to contradick ye! But wae's upo' me for a menseless auld wife! come in; come in: the mair welcome 'at ye're lang expeckit!

Fleming, in her turn, resented being chidden by this mite who appeared even younger than she really was. But it pleased her, as usual, to assume the injured role. "Well, Miss," she said, "'tain't for me to contradick you nor your ma. I can't help havin' my hown feelin's an' hopinions; but the Lord made me to be down-trod, an' I'm willin' to habide 'is will an' stay down-trod."

"Don't do to slander your neighbours; but if you was to say it was old Mother Warboys' hulking grandson, I wouldn't be so rude as to contradick you; not as I say it is, mind you, but I've knowed that chap ever since he was a dirty little gipsy whelp of a thing, and I never yet knowed him take anything as was out of his reach." Tom laughed.

For ae thing, ye see, naebody kens whaur he cam frae, as the laird, bonny laad, wad say, an' naebody can contradick a word the auld man less than onybody, for I can tell him what he kens to be trowth. Only I winna muv till I ken whaur he comes frae." "Wouldn't you prefer not knowing for certain? You could swear with the better grace." "Deil a bit!

We are all well I do my lessons always and never corroberate the girls Meg says I mean contradick so I put in both words and you can take the properest. Meg is a great comfort to me and lets me have jelly every night at tea its so good for me Jo says because it keeps me sweet tempered.