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On the Sabbath you will be able to attend divine service three times, which is expected of our teachers. I shall continoo myself to give Sabbath Scriptur'-readin's to the young ladies. That is a solemn dooty I can't make up my mind to commit to other people. My teachers enjoy the Lord's day as a day of rest.

On the Sahbath you will be able to attend divine service three times, which is expected of our teachers. I shall continoo myself to give Sahbath Scriptur' readin's to the young ladies. That is a solemn dooty I can't make up my mind to commit to other people. My teachers enjoy the Lord's day as a day of rest.

"No, thank'ee," replied the skipper, "shake yourself clear o' my riggin' as fast as ye can, and let me continoo my voyage." "Your sloop is sinking," urged the captain of the steamer. "Not sinkin' yet; I'll stick to her as long as she can float." "But you've none of your men left on board, have you?" "No; better without 'em if they're so easy frightened."

Since that affair, I have bin goin' about "doin' good," frightnin' the wicked into fits, and follerin' in the steps of the parsen, and thus working my way out of Purgatory. Relatives and nabors, Thinkin' you'll, like to know whether I'd bin roastin' in brimstone, along with Solomen and Lot's wife, and that you might feel consarned to know sumthin' about my further adventers, I'll continoo.

"If it wass not for the jealousy an' ill-will o' the North-Westers we should hev been at this goot hour in our comfortable houses amang the green fields of Rud Ruver." "Wheesht! faither!" interposed Duncan junior, "Mr Sutherland wass speakin', an' ye've stoppit him." "An' what if I hev, Tuncan? Can he not continoo to speak when I hev done?" retorted the old man, resuming his drum-stick.

"Peace, then, iss the thing that I am drivin' at, peace and goot-will between the pale-faces and the men-o'-the-woods and the men-of-the-ice also. There are many things that make for peace. The first an' most important thing iss goot feelin'. Another thing is trade commerce, barter, or exchange. Now, I hev said my say, for the time, whatever, and Nazinred will continoo the discourse."

I mean de Paradise what comes arter it's ober, an' you 'gins to git well again. Hah! but you'll find it out some day. But, to continoo, you's got eberyt'ing what's comfrable here. If you on'y sawd de Bagnio slabes at work I'll take you to see 'em some day den you'll be content an' pleased wid your lot till de time comes when you escape." "Escape!

On the Sahbath you will be able to attend divine service three times, which is expected of our teachers. I shall continoo myself to give Sahbath Scriptur' readin's to the young ladies. That is a solemn dooty I can't make up my mind to commit to other people. My teachers enjoy the Lord's day as a day of rest.