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One laughed. He was a large, smooth-jowled man inclined to portliness, and his laugh vibrated his entire front contagiously so that the others grinned and took it for granted that Casey Ryan was a comedy element introduced unexpectedly where they had thought to find him a tragedy. "No, you're a pretty lively man for me to sit on; I admit it," the portly man remarked.

I gave the Dawson family sufficient time to reach their home, and to recover the power of speech, and then walked gravely to the door as if I had just arrived. One becomes contagiously deceptive in the vicinity of Dawson. The stranger, who was the real undisguised Dawson, welcomed me to his home. The house was a small one and the family kept no servant.

Thackeray somewhere says of the Irish nation that there never was an Irishman so poor that he didn't have a still poorer Irishman living at his expense; and, surely, there is no human being whose example doesn't work contagiously in some particular. The very idiots at our public institutions imitate each other's peculiarities.

She was laughing contagiously with the youth, and in the end she gained the guitar over which they were wrangling. She knew a thing or two about a guitar herself, it seemed Charlotte Leroy could have explained how as many chords as the owner anyhow.

"Don't you remember, I was with Marjorie Schuyler in Dublin when you were all so jolly kind to us? I'm Janet Payne those awful 'Spitsburger Paynes'" and the girl's laugh rang out contagiously. The laugh swept Patsy's mind out into the open. She reached out and gripped the girl's hand. "Sure, I remember. But it's a long way from Dublin, and my memory is slower at hearkening back than my heart.

There was something so startlingly frank, so hopelessly self-satisfied, so contagiously good-humored in the woman's perfect moral unconsciousness, that even if Mrs. Tucker had been less preoccupied her resentment would have abated. But her eyes were fixed on the gloomy face of Patterson, who was beginning to unlock the sepulchers of his memory and disinter his deeply buried thoughts.

Hannah was sanguine in this expectation; and for a moment her hopes were contagiously exciting to mine. It was right, of course, nay, indispensable, that the circumstance of the muff should be strongly insisted upon at the next examination, pressed against the prosecutor, and sifted to the uttermost.

VII. SIN is that beastly thing that will defile Soul, body, name, and fame in little while; 'Twill make him, who some time God's image was, Look like the devil, love, and plead his cause; Like to the plague, poison, or leprosy Defile 'twill, and infect contagiously. Wherefore beware, against it shut the door; If not, it will defile thee more and more.

At Edith's dinners the table is long, flower-laden, candle-lighted. Your partner's face smiles at you dimly. His voice is almost drowned by the chatter and the laughter all about, but you hear him just barely and you laugh he is immensely droll and then reply. And he laughs, too, contagiously, and you know that you are going to get on!

Thackeray somewhere says of the Irish nation that there never was an Irishman so poor that he didn't have a still poorer Irishman living at his expense; and, surely, there is no human being whose example doesn't work contagiously in some particular. The very idiots at our public institutions imitate each other's peculiarities.