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For this reason she confined herself, as Philip had always intended, exclusively to the Consulta. It was not difficult to recognize the hand which wrote the letter thus signed by Margaret of Parma. Both nobles and people were at this moment irritated by another circumstance.

Secret negotiations for peace Two fresh armies assembled, but inactive Negotiations at Cercamp Death of Mary Tudor Treaty of Cateau Cambresis Death of Henry II. Policy of Catharine de Medici Revelations by Henry II. to the Prince of Orange Funeral of Charles V. in Brussels Universal joy in the Netherlands at the restoration of peace Organization of the government by Philip, and preparations for his departure Appointment of Margaret of Parma as Regent of the Netherlands Three councils The consulta The stadholders of the different provinces Dissatisfaction caused by the foreign troops Assembly of the Estates at Ghent to receive the parting instructions and farewell of the King Speech of the Bishop of Arras Request for three millions Fierce denunciation of heresy on the part of Philip Strenuous enforcement of the edicts commanded Reply by the States of Arthois Unexpected conditions Rage of the King Similar conduct on the part of the other provinces Remonstrance in the name of States General against the foreign soldiery Formal reply on the part of the crown Departure of the King from the Netherlands Autos da fe in Spain.

The Senate was a judicial and legislative body, and numbered three hundred men. All men who had held curule magistracies became members. Their decisions, called Senatus Consulta, became lawsleges. The Roman government at this time was purely oligarchic. The aristocratical clement prevailed. Nobles virtually controlled the State.

At the instigation of William of Orange, the States of Brabant openly supported the Council of State in its opposition to Granvelle and the Consulta. This was brought to a climax by the refusal of Orange, Egmont and Horn to sit on the Council as long as Granvelle remained in the country.

Paoli, the president of the Consulta, was located at Corte; the messengers of the Convention gathered in Bastia the adherents of France, and excited them to strenuous efforts against the rebellious Consulta and the insurgent Paoli. Civil war with all its horrors was there; the raging conflicts of the parties tore apart the holy bonds of family, friendship, and love.

Of this sensational turn of affairs the European public had no inkling. For the Italian Government was bound to reticence by its plighted word and the Germans and Austrians by their interest, which was to foster the belief that the conversations were proceeding successfully and that Austria's proposals were welcomed by the Consulta.

While the peace with England was negotiating at Amiens, he assembled at Lyons the Cisalpine Consulta, consisting of the deputies from Lombardy and the adjacent states, which had been formed into a republic under the directory, and who now inquired what new form of government they were to assume.

In the course of events, however, it soon became evident that the real power of the government was exclusively in the hands of the consulta, a committee of three members of the state council, by whose deliberations the Regent was secretly instructed to be guided on all important occasions.

The members of the Consulta of the Finances are a sort of sham deputies; very sham ones, I assure you, although the Count de Rayneval, to suit his purpose, is pleased to call them "the Representatives of the Nation." They represent the nation as Cardinal Antonelli represents the Apostles. They are elected by the Pope from a list presented by the Communal Councils.

Daily since Parliament had voted they had been at the Consulta were there now in this solemn hour of understanding between the King and his people! Singly and together they were conferring with Baron Sonnino and the Premier. What were they offering?