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Janet's labor's no going to waste. An' if you were the on'y man i' Zorra, it wad behoove me to conseeder the lassie's prospects i' the next world. Ye're a Methodist." "Meanin'," said Timmins, when his mind had grappled with the charge, "as there's no Methodists there?"

She had a woman's curiosity about a vacant house, and she was frankly looking things over, craning her neck to glance down the murky hallway. "Would you think the basement might be to let to a decent body? It's no worth much, so old and all but I know a body as might conseeder it." Impractical as the "beastly step-aunt" had proclaimed her to be Dulcie grasped Janet's thin arm.

If the furnishings is what she ree-presents and you'd conseeder takin' me in on shares I might conseeder " "Consider what?" gasped Dulcie. "Conseeder advancing for the storage of the furnishings with the furnishings as security o' course. And doin' some cleanin' toward the matter o' what ma rent would be. Mind I'm no sayin' I would until I see the furnishings.

But ut was: 'Please explain thus onusual expunditure, an' tull Captun Robinson, 'We beg tull advise you thot we conseeder thus pilotage an onnecessary expense. "Dudna I cable them from Newcastle, tellun' them the old tank was thot foul she needed dry-dock? Seven months out o' drydock, an' the West Coast the quickest place for foulun' un the world.

Baron Courbertin threw his arms about him, crying, "As sure as God made little apples, thou art a man!" Tommy's face was white, and he sought refuge in speech from the silence which settled down. "I'll deny I lift a guid paddle, nor that my wind is fair; but gin ye gang a tithe the way the next jam'll be on us. For my pairt I conseeder it ay rash. Bide a wee till the river's clear, say I."

"I conseeder her a beauty," said Pete, aggressively. "She's a' that," said Hendry. "A' I can say," said Hookey, "is 'at she taks me most michty." "She's no a beauty," Tammas maintained; "na, she doesna juist come up to that; but I dinna deny but what she's weel faured." "What taut do ye find wi' her, Tammas?" asked Hendry.

A shup o' ours was un tull Auckland recently an' uncurred no such charge. We beg tull advise you thot we conseeder thus pilotage an onnecessary expense which should no be uncurred un the future." "But dud they say a word tull me for the fufteen pounds I saved tull them? No a word.