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It's a lie as bad as yours to me! CAPT. G. Ssssteady! I've a notion that a friend of yours is looking at you. MRS. H. He! I hate him. He introduced you to me. Introduction to imply condonement. MRS. H. In common politeness! We have got beyond that! MRS. H. Your what? Ha, ha! CAPT. G. Dishonour, then. She's not what you imagine. I meant to MRS. H. Don't tell me anything about her!

"It would be disgracefully soon if her husband had been a good man, of course, but he was such a beast!" And a shrug made all the necessary condonement for the hastening of the marriage. By September the whole neighborhood was converted to this belief, all except John, who would not believe, and Sydney, who had not trusted herself to think.

When at length the sobbing ceased, he arose and said, shamefacedly: "O dear little friend, you forgive me, do you not?" From his manner one would have thought he had committed an offence far out of the pale of condonement. "Poor Sergius," she said. "It is for me to think of you, not you of me." He tried to look cheerful. "It was stupid in me. I will be more careful.

If I ever run across him I'll bring him back and surrender him to the district attorney. That is the way I hope to win condonement for what I've done. That is where I'm going when I leave here tonight, to search for him, to the ends of the earth if it is necessary." "If ever, while you're away, you need help, let me know," John said, with an impulsive desire to take Gibson's hand.

For them there could be no condonement, no compromise, no easy forgetfulness, no formal readjustment. They had attempted only one thing, but that one thing was to have been exquisite. Once they missed it nothing else would do; there was no conceivable substitute for that success.

The reader will be able to judge whether that people is wilfully guilty, or whether the circumstances admit of generous, mitigating condonement, always considered apart from that horrible Hollander element which has been the root and instigating cause of all the evil.

Of the latter class was that of Admiral Byng, when he retired from Minorca; a weakness not unparalleled in later times, but which, whatever the indulgence accorded to the offender, is a military sin that should for itself receive no condonement of judgment.

The cattlemen then swept out upon him, calling for vengeance, for, while the slaughter of a sheepman has not always lacked condonement, it was a decided misdemeanour in this instance. Carson was innocent; he was no accomplice at the matrimonial proceedings; nor had any one heard him quote the line "Christmas comes but once a year" to the guests. But the sortie failed in its vengeance.

The surrender of ever greater and greater hostages to expediency, the retreat to ever meaner and meaner instruments of activity, the gradual induration of heart and soul, the desperate and ever more desperate search for self-deceiving extenuations, for self-blinding condonement, for pitiful and distorting self-propitiation in these lay the inward corruption, more implacably and more terribly tragic than any outward blow!

Were the Indians once rendered, by the extension and strengthening of our settlements, powerless for harm, the easy tolerance, the rough good-nature, and the quick condonement of wrong, which characterize pioneer communities, would speedily reconcile the whites to their presence, and establish relations not wholly unworthy of both parties.