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'Nemo potest mutare concilium suum in alterius injuriam. This maxim of Papinian is general in its terms, but Dr. Taylor applies it directly as a restriction upon the lawgiver, and a declaration in the Code leaves no doubt as to the sense of the civil law.

See ante, p. 366. See ante,, i. 458 'O præclarum diem quum ad illud divinum animorum concilium c'tumque profiscar. Cicero's De Senectute, c. 23. See ante, p. 396. See ante, ii. 162. I had not then seen his letters to Mrs. Thrale. In the Life of Edmund Smith. See ante, i. 81, and Johnson's Works, vii. 380. Unlike Walmsley and Johnson, of whom one was a Whig, the other a Tory.

The assembly of the people which the Saxons before the Conquest called wittenagemote, the Normans, after the Conquest, entitled parliamentum. By degrees the people were turned out. The king's letters clause convoking the Commons, addressed formerly ad concilium impendendum, are now addressed ad consentiendum. To say yes is their liberty.

Lords who are not peers are lords by courtesy: there are no real lords, excepting such as are peers. "The House of Lords is a chamber and a court, Concilium et Curia, legislature and court of justice. The Commons, who are the people, when ordered to the bar of the Lords, humbly present themselves bareheaded before the peers, who remain covered.

Cedere loco, dummodo rursus instes, consilii quam formidinis arbitrantur. Corpora suorum etiam in dubiis proeliis referunt. Scutum reliquisse, praecipuum flagitium; nec aut sacris adesse, aut concilium inire, ignominioso fas; multique superstites bellorum infamiam laqueo finierunt. VII. Reges ex nobilitate, duces ex virtute sumunt.

Had they done so, they would merely have added a diplomatic folly to the political effrontery. III. II. The War on the Coasts of Sicily and Sardinia III. VIII. Changes in Procedure II. I. Restrictions on the Delegation of Powers Because there was no -commercium- between the different towns, it by no means follows that there was no -concilium-.