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I'd rather meet a dozen Comanches, as far as comfort's concarned, any time, than a drove of them critters. Yer see this's their feedin' ground, and I 'spect I know where ter find them boys." "Where?" inquired I. "Up a tree," replied Jerry. I reckon they're treed this time, sartin; an' good enough for 'em. Boys hain't got no bizness on the plains, no how."

"Reckon you're all right so far as licenses is concarned, but ye can't carry guns up here till the season the game season's open," said the game warden, handing back the licenses. "It's always an open season for the kind of game we are going to hunt," Hippy informed him. "Eh? What kind's that?" "Your kind," retorted Hippy sharply. "That's all I've got to do with ye.

Thursday passed and now Friday still there was no sign of the wind changing, and the big Yankee barque lay quietly at anchor over by the Presidio. When the butcher came off from the shore with the day's stores, we eagerly questioned him about the prospects of the James Flint's sailing. "Huh! I guess yew're nat the only 'citizens' that air concarned 'bout that!" he said.

"Well, all I got to say is you'd make a better wood-chopper. Barry'd jest tell you to go to hell, an' that'd be the end of it as fer as you're concarned. Course, he'd give up the plan, but he'd make it his business to find out how you got wind of it. Next thing we'd know, Moll Hawk would have her throat slit er somethin', an' I reckon that wouldn't be jest what most people would call fair, Mr.

That wouldn't do, so you had 'em stowed again; and stowed they will be for the rest of the watch, as far as I'm concarned. The night's fine, and the breeze as steady as a breeze can be, and the old barkie 'd carry r'yals and skys'ls too for the matter o' that, but if they was set we should have to stow 'em again five minutes a'terwards; so let 'em be, say I."

Tom Pope asserted the boy was a "born Injin hunter," and old Jerry declared that he was "willing to make a 'ception, so fur as Ned was concarned, though he'd be darned if he'd do it for t'other one; for boys like him hadn't no bizness on the plains, no how."