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"Two-gun Jack Summers on that red Yuma hoss, ridin' into Gophertown with both hands filled and lookin' for trouble.... God! He was bad enough when he was dodgin' trouble. Well, I'm glad I'm livin' to see it. I was commencin' to think they wasn't any more men left in the country. I'm forty-seven year old. To-morrow I'll be twenty again ... or nothin'." Some towns "nestle" on the plain.

From where he stood Old Jerry could see through into the smaller back-room workshop. Even its shelves were empty, entirely stripped of their rows of tiny white woman-figures. He paled as he grasped the ominous import of it; he tried to speak unconcernedly, but his voice was none too steady. "So you're a-house-cleanin', be you?" he asked jauntily. "Ain't you commencin' a little early?"

It was half-past nine when we walked back in town, and I was commencin' to feel kind of hungry, so I asked her if she wasn't, and she sort of laughed and seemed to be ashamed of it, as if it were a disgrace or something, but she said she guessed she was; so I left her by that hedge of lilacs near the observatory and went on over to the 'Teria and the fruit store, and got some stuffed eggs and olives and half-a-dozen peanut butter sandwiches and a box o' strawberries kind of girl-food, you know and went on back there, and we ate the stuff up.

My brains need somethin' besides post-office talk and sewin'-circle gossip to keep them from shrivelin'. I was commencin' to feel the shrivel, so it's California for Phoebe and me. Better come along, Kent. You're beginnin' to shrivel a little, ain't you?" Was it as apparent as all that? I was indignant. "Do I look it?" I demanded. "No o, but I ain't sure that you don't act it.

"'It's a good sign, though, says Cherokee Hall, 'that straight flush is. Which it shows Rainbow strikes a streak of luck; an' mebby it lasts long enough to get him by the gates above all right. That's all I asks when my time comes; that I dies when I'm commencin' a run of luck. "Oh! about this Slim Jim tenderfoot an' his tragedy! Do you know I plumb overlooks him.

"Well, he was a jim-dandy, wa'n't 'e?" said the tattered man as if in response. They turned their backs upon it and started away. For a time they stole softly, treading with their toes. It remained laughing there in the grass. "I'm commencin' t' feel pretty bad," said the tattered man, suddenly breaking one of his little silences. "I'm commencin' t' feel pretty damn' bad." The youth groaned.

They don't have the opportunities some do, an' I want 'em to know the world, an' not stay right here on the farm like a couple o' bushes." "They're a sight better off not to be so full o' notions as some is," protested the mother suspiciously. "Certain," answered the farmer; "but they're good, bright child'n, an' commencin' to take a sight o' notice. I want 'em to have all we can give 'em.

"You bet you kin.... We'll jest let Ovid lie hid while we kind of maneuver around Peaney some commencin' right soon. Peaney ever aspire to take you to dinner?" "Yes," she said, shortly. "Git organized to go with him to-night...." It was in the neighborhood of five o'clock when Mr. Peaney came into the Mountain House and stopped at the cigar counter for cigarettes.

"Well, he was a jim-dandy, wa'n't 'e?" said the tattered man as if in response. They turned their backs upon it and started away. For a time they stole softly, treading with their toes. It remained laughing there in the grass. "I'm commencin' t' feel pretty bad," said the tattered man, suddenly breaking one of his little silences. "I'm commencin' t' feel pretty damn' bad." The youth groaned.

He didn't seem to see it; but he made a good speech, and the editor of the "Bugle" rose to read the resolutions, commencin' as follers: RESOLVED, That we view with anxiety the fact that there is now a war goin' on, and RESOLVED, That we believe Stonewall Jackson sympathizes with the secession movement, and that we hope the nine-months men