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The mist lifting showed white, distant crests of foam on a tumbling field of water, and to the north, clothed in tempestuous purple, the dim shapes of mountains. Kitty raised herself, and beckoned towards the captain of the bragozzo. "Giuseppe!" "Commanda, Eccellenza!" The man came forward. With a voice sharp and clear, she gave the order to return at once to Venice.

I jumped in and to his usual "Dove commanda?" I replied, in a tone that made him stare, "Anywhere, anywhere; out into the lagoon!" He rowed me away and I sat there prostrate, groaning softly to myself, with my hat pulled over my face. What in the name of the preposterous did she mean if she did not mean to offer me her hand? That was the price that was the price!

"Madame Russell," said he, in an eager voice, "commanda me, I beg, I shall help." These words were plainly audible to Ashby, who, however, only smiled. "Madame," said Lopez, still more eagerly, "commanda me. Shall I condut the mees?" For a moment Mrs. Russell seemed inclined to accept the proffered aid, but it was only for a moment. The good lady was timid. She dreaded a scene.

It was eight feet thick, pierced by twenty-four gates and fortified by about five hundred towers. Much of the land it enclosed was not built upon; the marais on the north bank were drained and cultivated for market and fruit gardens. If we may believe Villon, this was the queen "Qui commanda que Buridan Fust jetté en ung sac en Seine."

Federigo!" she called to an old man, the custode of the palace, who appeared at the magnificent door leading to the grand staircase. "Commanda, eccellenza!" The old man, bent and feeble, approached. He carried a watering-pot wherewith he was about to minister to some straggling flowers in the windows fronting the Grand Canal. A thin cat rubbed itself against his legs.