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Columbuses," kings and queens in royal purple, gold crowns, and necklaces, ships, fishes, etc., that were showered upon the guest. Needless to say many scraps of paper had fallen to the floor. The teacher remarked that it was time for the brownies to come. Down went all the heads for a sleepy time.

It had took me back into the dim old green forest isles and onbroken wilderness, when I heard a bystander a-sayin' to another one "There is Columbuses relations; there is the Duke of Veragua." And on lookin' up, I indeed see Columbuses own relation on his own side, with his wife and daughter.

Or, if you sail in company, and divide the prize of your discovery and the honour thereof, who is to come after you clustered Columbuses? to what fortunate islands of style are your architectural descendants to sail, avaricious of new lands? When our desired style is invented, will not the best we can all do be simply to build in it? and cannot you now do that in styles that are known?

If you are givin' any money don't you give it to none of them Red Crosses nor to none of them Salvation Armies, nor to none of them Knights of Columbuses; but you give it to them Y. M. C. A.'s. They treat you right. They have entertainments for you and wrestlin' matches, and they give you a place to write. And what's more, Uncle they don't have no respect fer no religion. "Yours,

"Why should we worry ourselves because the end of this venture is wrapped in obscurity? Why, Columbus didn't know where he was going to when he set out. All he knew was some highly interesting fact about an egg. What that was, I do not at the moment recall, but I understand it acted on Columbus like a tonic. We are the Columbuses of the journalistic world. Full steam ahead, and see what happens.

And I didn't ondeceive him in it. Then there is Columbuses commission as Admiral of the Ocean Seas. His correspondence with Ferdinand and Isabella before and after his discovery, and a host of other invaluable papers loaned by the Spanish Goverment and the living descendants of Columbus in Spain.

Naturally, after the egg trick was discovered we encounter scores of young Columbuses, who paint ballet girls' legs and the heads of orchestral musicians and scenes from the racing paddock. Degas had three painters who, if any, might truthfully call themselves his pupils. These are Mary Cassatt, Alexis Rouart, and Forain. The first has achieved solid fame.

And there is pieces of the house his father-in-law built for him a cane made from one of the jistes, and the shutters of one of the windows. Columbuses own hand may have opened them shutters! O my heart! think on't.

Thinkses I, she must have different feelin's from what her folks did in fourteen hundred. Then how loath they wuz to even listen to Columbuses pathetic appeals and prayers! But they did at last touch the heart of a woman. That woman believed him, while the rest of Spain sneered at him. Had she lived, Columbus wouldn't have been sent to prison in chains. No, indeed!

For he ort to be put side by side with Christopher Columbus. Both sailed out on the onknown, both discovered a new world. Columbuses world we have got the lay on now considerable, and we have mapped it out and counted the inhabitants. But who who shall map out this vast realm that Benjamin F. discovered? We stand jest by the sea-shore. We have jest landed from our boats.