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"Look here, old cockolorum," he continued to the Malay who interpreted, "what has become of that Kling who was here before?" "Gone Mirzapore, most excellent prince," said the man. "Come, that'll do," said Bob impatiently; "drop all that eastern sugar wordings, my fine fellow, and look here!" The Malay salaamed again. "My friend here isn't an English prince. We are English officers.

He seized the propitious moment, placed three hats upon the carpet, and a shilling under each; the shillings, he told me, were England, France, and Spain. 'Hey, presto, cockolorum! cried the doctor, and, lo! on uncovering the shillings, they were all found congregated under one.

'Toor rul lol loo, gammon and spinnage, the frog he wouldn't, and high cockolorum, said the Dodger: with a slight sneer on his intellectual countenance. This was explanatory, but not satisfactory. Master Bates felt it so; and again said, 'What do you mean?

"Tell him I don't like durians, Bob Roberts," said Tom, nervously, "or we shall have another row." "Here, hi! old cockolorum!" cried Bob, with his mouth full, as he turned to the Malay, "tell Mr Abdullah there, that his durians are 'licious luscious 'licious, but Mr Long likes mangosteens better."

The snake he neither would go nor come; So he hit him hard with the stick of his drum. The snake fell down as if he were dead, And Little Boy Blue set his foot on his head. And all the creatures they marched before him, And marshalled him home with a high cockolorum.