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George’s Chapel with every mark of indignity. Public indignation at the disgraceful means that had been taken to secure his conviction rose to such a height, that it was only by the persuasions of Lord Cochrane’s friends that a riot was prevented. The citizens of Westminster at once re-elected him as their member, no one venturing to oppose him.

In the first place it would do me harm, and in the next it would damage you all were it known you had one of Cochrane’s officers on board, for it would show at once that you were on your way to our fleet; whereas if it is supposed that you are merely an ordinary coaster you may be let off unharmed.”

The captain declined to accept Cochrane’s sword, begging him to continue to wear it though a prisoner. In our thirteen months’ cruise we had taken or retaken upwards of fifty vessels, one hundred and twenty-two guns, and five hundred and thirty-four prisoners. After our capture the French line-of-battle ships took us and our lubberly convoy into Algeciras.

In the court-marshal which was held upon Lord Gambier for his failure to assist Cochrane in the action in the Basque Roads, the admiralty went so far as to forge charts, and so to show that the admiral could not come to Cochrane’s assistance, and Gambier was not only acquitted, but received a vote of thanks from the House of Commons for the victory in which he had taken no part.

On the return of the Hind from Norway, Cochrane’s uncle was appointed to the Thetis, and the Hind’s crew were transferred to her.

The public indignation was excited to the highest pitch by the shameless manner in which the trial was conducted, and although Cochrane’s career in the service was ruined, he became perhaps the most popular character in the country. “He was, as you know, afterwards imprisoned and expelled the house, and has suffered persecutions of all kinds.

We naturally congratulated ourselves upon our fortunes being as good as made. Cochrane would, of course, at once receive post-captain’s rank, Parker would receive a step, and I should get at least a second lieutenantship. Cochrane’s brother was placed in command of the prize, and we sailed with him to Port Mahon.

And it will, I am sure, be a satisfaction to him to be able to purchase his outfit now without trenching on your purse, especially as, going out as Cochrane’s own midshipman, he must take a much larger outfit than usual, as he will, of course, have to accompany the admiral on all public occasions. Now, I suppose he will like to go down to the dock and say good-bye to them there.

The young officer chatted freely to Stephen about himself and his life, and as they lay in the shade during the long hours of the heat, Stephen related his own adventures on his first cruise, and in reply to questions of the Spaniard, repeated to him what he had heard from his father of Cochrane’s exploits.

If you are one of Cochrane’s officers what are you doing here? and why are you masquerading in that dress? Have you already served with him?” “I was his flag-lieutenant on the Chilian coast.” The captain repeated incredulously: “Why, I should not guess you to be above twenty.” “That is about my age, sir; but what I say is nevertheless the fact.