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Not a man of them could get his breath for upwards of two minutes. Then the coal-burner said prayerfully: "Might I but live to see it!" "It is the income of an earl!" said Smug. "An earl, say ye?" said Dowley; "ye could say more than that and speak no lie; there's no earl in the realm of Bagdemagus that hath an income like to that. Income of an earl mf! it's the income of an angel!"

Latterly, however, like Moliere's quack, he has "changed all that;" his heart has got upon the wrong side; or rather, he seems to us very much in the condition of the coal-burner in the German tale, who had swapped his heart of flesh for a cobblestone. A letter to William Lloyd Garrison, President of the Society. AMESBURY, 24th 11th mo., 1863.

It seemed as if the morning sunlight strove to check the smoke from the smouldering wood, in order to mount freely into the blue sky. Little clouds floated over the damp, grassy earth, rotting tree-trunks, piles of wood and heaps of twigs that surrounded the kiln. A moss-grown but stood at the edge of the forest, and before it sat Ulrich, talking with the coal-burner.

I used to know a soldier who used to run up in this country," said the stranger, musing. "Dillon; that's it, Dillon." "I knew him well," said I. "I want to hear about him." "Queer man," said he, and I noticed he was eying me pretty sharp. "A good engineer." "Perhaps," said he. I coaxed the old veteran to ride on the engine the first coal-burner I had had. He seemed more than glad to comply.

Toward the shaven monk who trudged along with his cowl tilted back and the sweat washing down his fat jowls, the coal-burner was deeply reverent; to the gentleman he was abject; with the small farmer and the free mechanic he was cordial and gossipy; and when a slave passed by with a countenance respectfully lowered, this chap's nose was in the air he couldn't even see him.

Once he met a company of gayly dressed youths and maidens, carrying sheaves of golden grain, for it was now the harvest-time, and singing in praise of Frey, the giver of peace and plenty. "Whither away, young prince?" they merrily asked. "To Regin, the coal-burner, in the deep greenwood," he answered. "Then may the good Frey have thee in keeping!" they cried. "It is a long and lonesome journey."

Ulrich was shaping an arrow, and meantime asking the coal-burner numerous questions, and when the latter prepared to answer, the boy laughed heartily, for before Hangemarx could speak, he was obliged to straighten his crooked mouth by three jerking motions, in which his nose and cheeks shared. An important matter was being discussed between the two strangely dissimilar companions.

Ulrich was shaping an arrow, and meantime asking the coal-burner numerous questions, and when the latter prepared to answer, the boy laughed heartily, for before Hangemarx could speak, he was obliged to straighten his crooked mouth by three jerking motions, in which his nose and cheeks shared. An important matter was being discussed between the two strangely dissimilar companions.

It seemed as if the morning sunlight strove to check the smoke from the smouldering wood, in order to mount freely into the blue sky. Little clouds floated over the damp, grassy earth, rotting tree-trunks, piles of wood and heaps of twigs that surrounded the kiln. A moss-grown but stood at the edge of the forest, and before it sat Ulrich, talking with the coal-burner.

Ulrich was shaping an arrow, and meantime asking the coal-burner numerous questions, and when the latter prepared to answer, the boy laughed heartily, for before Hangemarx could speak, he was obliged to straighten his crooked mouth by three jerking motions, in which his nose and cheeks shared. An important matter was being discussed between the two strangely dissimilar companions.