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It was true that the panting and rattling of the coal mines could always be heard at Shortlands. But from his earliest childhood, Gerald had paid no heed to this. He had ignored the whole of the industrial sea which surged in coal-blackened tides against the grounds of the house. The world was really a wilderness where one hunted and swam and rode. He rebelled against all authority.

He was making a heavy snoring sound, and at every breath the blood made two red bubbles at his nostrils. From time to time he ground his teeth, and then his eyes turned upward and the whites gleamed strangely in his coal-blackened face. The sailor scolded him, and that helped him so far that he was able to stand on his feet.

Opposite to the police, and separated from the shed by about ten yards and a wooden paling, was a threatening and vociferating mob, which stretched densely across the road and up the hill on either side; a mob largely composed of women dishevelled, furious women their white faces gleaming amid the coal-blackened forms of the miners. "They'll have 'im out," said a woman in front of Mary Elsmere.

What an odd circumstance, her trudging off through the woods thus with a guide of whom she knew nothing except that he was Molly Sommerville's cousin and worked a Vermont farm and had certainly the dirtiest face she had ever seen, with the exception of the coal-blackened stokers in the power-house of the University.

They say No. 4 and I both know things about the slugging we haven't told. They say No. 4 took three of the sluggers away, and that we're hiding some to take up into the mountains and turn 'em loose where they'll be safe. The only man with us is this kid," and Cullin looked up darkly into the cab, his gloomy eyes on Geordie's coal-blackened face.

The coal heaver had only trousers and an undershirt on, and looked as black as a Negro. Sweat poured over his coal-blackened face. We gripped hands. The lady watched us with interest. "Do you know him?" she asked. "Yes, indeed!" I said. "And you must know him, for he is one of our deacons." She never came back. Democracy like that was too much for her.

Panting for breath, wild-eyed, his coal-blackened arms stretching out from the whiteness of the bear-skin, he made a singular picture. "It's going!" he exclaimed. "I've got current it's good for a while, anyhow. Now now for the test!" For a moment he leaned heavily against the concrete bench to which the apparatus was clamped. Already the day had drawn close to its end.

The robbery was under way and the boy looked on with fierce eyes at the three begrimed and coal-blackened darkies hugging a little fire near by. Cautiously he backed away and slipped on down to a point where he could see his mother's old home and Steve Hawn's, and there he almost groaned.

'Yes, we must hope, said Miss Shepperson, reassured once more as to her own interests; for a moment her heart had sunk very low indeed. 'We are all doing our best. 'You above all, said Mr. Rymer, pressing her hand with his coal-blackened fingers.

A number of people had gathered round a coal-heaver, who was belaboring a lamp-post with the toes of his wooden shoes, at the same time using abusive language. He had run against it and had a bruise on his forehead. People were amusing themselves at his expense. As the light from the lamp fell upon the coal-blackened face of the drunken man, Pelle recognized him. It was Merry Jacob.