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She was constructed of three-inch oak plank, sheathed with hardwood for work in the ice-fields. She was also fitted with an eighty horse-power Wolverine engine. The bronze tablet in her bore the inscription, "This vessel with full equipment was presented to Wilfred T. Grenfell by George B. Cluett."

To this day we never got a cent for our leg, and so really fined ourselves. Nor could we with any propriety distrain on one of a poor woman's legs! The year 1912 was a busy season. The New Year found us in Florida with the donor of the ship George B. Cluett, consulting him concerning its progress and future.

Cluett and me, for the children have took to you something very unusual. We'll have elegant times going around together, and you'll never be sorry." These cheering sentiments Jesse echoed when he came in with Lloyd a few minutes later. "Much depends upon our future contracts, Miss Monroe," said he, "but I will go so far as to say this.

"I'm a rolling stone, Miss Monroe; we actor-fellows always are!" He was "signed up" now; he gave them a glimpse of a long, typewritten contract. Martie ventured a question as to the leading lady. "She's a nice woman," said Wallace Bannister generously. "I like to play against Mabel. Jesse Cluett, her husband, is in the play; and his kid, too, her stepson Lloyd he's seventeen.

This same year, on the other hand, one of our most forward steps, so far as the Mission was concerned, was taken, through the generosity of the late Mr. George B. Cluett, of Troy, New York. He had built specially for our work a magnificent three-masted schooner, fitted with the best of gear including a motor launch.

Ever try the profession, Miss Monroe?" Martie flushed a pleased disclaimer. But the tiny seed was sown, nevertheless. She liked the question; she was even vaguely glad that Mrs. Cluett was forty and a married woman. Wallace Bannister was older than Rodney, thirty or thirty-two, although even off the stage he looked much younger.

That her mother had once perhaps had some such idea of her father did not occur to her. "Lissen, dear, did I wake you up?" said Mrs. Wallace Bannister, coming quietly into the sitting room that connected her bedroom with that of Mrs. Jesse Cluett, in the early hours of an August morning. "No o! This feller wakes me up," Mrs. Cluett said, yawning and pale, but cheerful.

Among them was the ill-fated Borup, destined shortly to be drowned on a simple canoe trip, and the indomitable and athletic Macmillan who subsequently led the Crocker Land expedition, our own schooner George B. Cluett carrying them to Etah. My secretary, Mr.

"I'd rather have a job," Martie said with a quick, bright flush nevertheless. "But I think I know how to get one. Mrs. Cluett is going to be playing steadily now, and after this engagement they're going to try very hard to get booked in New York. She's got to have SOME ONE to look out for the children." "But Martie " Sally said timidly, "you'd only be a sort of servant "

Martie suddenly sprang up. "Well, I'm going to see Mrs. Cluett!" "I'll go, too," said Sally, "and we'll stop at the express office and tell Joe!" Mrs. Cluett was alone with her children when the callers went in, and even Martie's sensitive heart could have asked no warmer reception of her plan.