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"Fancy mamma with a Welsh rabbit at bed-time! mamma, who cannot even row down to Gallantry on the smoothest day without being upset! You must bait your hook with something else, Lionel, if you hope to catch her." "How would a trefoil of clover-leaves answer?" with a smile, "she, Geoff, and the boy." "Ah, that dear baby. I wish I could see the little fellow.

There, having lazily stretched her long, supple limbs, she played awhile with her leveret, sometimes pausing to nibble a few clover-leaves as if to direct the little one's attention towards its suitable food. Then she ambled leisurely across the river-bed, and, with graceful, swinging gait, passed through the meadow beyond while her offspring disappeared within the thickets of the island.

Their food consisted of bran, oats, pea-nuts, wheat, fresh dandelion and clover-leaves, and on these they lived in perfect health and beauty. As the colony increased, it was needful to make several homes for the gerbilles, and the original pair happened to be, for a time, in a cage upstairs on a landing.

That girl she climbs five flights of stairs twice a day will climb no more stairs for herself or another by the time the clover-leaves are green. "The best thing about one's grave is that it will be level," she was heard once to say. Somebody muses a little here, she is to be married this winter.

We stopped to look into its waters, while she leaned against the trunk of a tree overshadowed it. We watched the light and shade that nickered below, the shadow of the clover-leaves, of the long reeds that hung almost across the stream.

"'Even ash, I do thee pluck, Hoping thus to meet good luck; If no luck I get from thee, Better far be on the tree." "It sounds like what children say on finding a four-leafed clover," said Clara. "It is on the same principle," was the reply, "for clover-leaves grow naturally in threes and ash-leaves in sevens.

Four leaflets occur so very rarely that one seems justified in regarding them rather as an anomaly than, as a fluctuation. And this is confirmed by the almost universal absence of two-bladed clover-leaves. Considering the deviation as an anomaly, we may look into its nature. Such an inquiry shows that the supernumerary leaflets owe their origin to a splitting of one or more of the normal ones.

Finally Dorothy ventured to speak, so she asked, very softly and slowly, "Oh, Little Bun Rabbit, so soft and so shy, Say, what do you see with your big, round eye?" "Many things," answered the rabbit, who was pleased to hear the girl speak in his own language; "in summer-time I see the clover-leaves that I love to feed upon and the cabbages at the end of the farmer's garden.

'Is your head better, mammy dear? she asked, in the soft little voice that she kept expressly for mother's headaches. 'I've brought your brekkie, and I've put the little cloth with clover-leaves on it, the one I made you. 'That's very nice, said mother sleepily. Anthea knew exactly what to do for mothers with headaches who had breakfast in bed.