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When he wants to add more than I deem it prudent strangers should hear, I stop the flow of his ideas, and of his conversation in the middle of a word, and give it quite a different turn!" Among other persons attracted to Busancy by the report of these extraordinary occurrences was M. Cloquet, the Receiver of Finance.

Vaucorbeil shrugged his shoulders. However, he could not deny the honesty of MM. Deleuze, Bertrand, Morin, Jules Cloquet. Now these masters lay down that somnambulists have predicted events, and submitted without pain to cruel operations. The abbé related stories more astonishing.

It is said that the favors given by the ladies to the knights in the Middle Ages were not only tokens of remembrance and appreciation, but sexual excitants as well. In his remarkable "Osphresiologie," Cloquet calls attention to the sexual pleasure excited by the odors of flowers, and tells how Richelieu excited his sexual functions by living in an atmosphere loaded with these perfumes.

"Doctor Cloquet related that he saw there, patients no longer the victims of hysterical fits, but enjoying a calm, peaceful, restorative slumber. It may be said that from this moment really efficacious and useful magnetism became known."

"If any one touched a patient during a crisis, or even the chair on which he was seated," says M. Cloquet, "it would cause him much pain and suffering, and throw him into convulsions.

Munde, Barnes, Lentz, Madden, and Heywood Smith report instances, and Cloquet describes an instance of inguinal hernia of the ovary in which the uterus as well as the Fallopian tube were found in the inguinal canal.

Cloquet mentions that at an autopsy of a woman who had a pewter goblet in her vagina, lead oxid was found in the gangrenous debris. Long Retention of Pessaries, etc. The length of time during which pessaries may remain in the vagina is sometimes astonishing. The accompanying illustration shows the phosphatic deposits and incrustations around a pessary after a long sojourn in the vagina.

The observations which I made on the banks of the Orinoco, have been recently confirmed by the direct experiments of two distinguished young physiologists, MM. Cloquet and Breschet. After long fasting they ate as much as five ounces of a silvery green and very flexible laminar talc.

For instance, Cloquet removed a foreign body which was incrusted in the vagina, and found the cork pessary which had formed its nucleus completely rotted. A similar instrument found by Gosselin had remained in the vagina thirty-six years, and was incrustated with calcareous salts. Metal is always attacked by the vaginal secretions in the most marked manner.

There is a French case in which a preserve-pot three inches in diameter was introduced into the rectum, and had to be broken and extracted piece by piece. Cloquet had a patient who put into his rectum a beer glass and a preserving pot.