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The child on the step regarded their approach with unsmiling eyes, nor did she move except to draw aside her dark stuff skirts and close her knees until they touched. "Hello there! Moping again, eh? Get up! Didn't I tell you not to let me catch you not out playing or helping Cloonan around? Say howdy to this lady. She's coming out here to live. Come here and say howdy to her."

Her fingers curled in a soft, clutch around her throat as if her breath came too fast. "Jerry, it it's just grand." He marshaled her in all the pride of ownership. "Look, butler's pantry, exposed plumbing." "Oh! Oh!" "Kitchen." "Oh! Oh!" "Here, Cloonan.

"Fix us a beefsteak supper, Cloonan, and lemme weigh up them groceries I sent out and lemme see your books afterward. Come, Peachy, here, up these stairs. This is the second floor. Pretty neat, ain't it? Her and her mother shopped three more weeks on this oak bed-set. Some little move out here from Twenty-third Street for a little rooming-house queen like you, eh? Neat little bedroom, eh, Peachy?

A frown gathered in a triple furrow on his brow. "Now, kiddo, you got to cut that with me, and cut it quick. If there's two things I can't stand it's nagging and pouting. Cloonan can tell you what pouting can drive me to. I'll beat it out of that girl of mine before she's through with me, and I won't stand it from no one else. Now cut it, Peachy, that's a nice girl."

Won't her mother throw a red-headed fit when she sees the little queen I picked! Gad!" "Oh, Jerry, her your first wife and all! Won't it seem funny my going in her house and and living with her kid." "Funny nothing. Cloonan won't think it's funny when I tell her she's finished running my house for me. Funny nothing.

She knows what I mean whan I say that, and she knows she better cut out this pouting. Quit breathing through your mouth or I'll stick a cork in it." "Aw, Jerry, she can't help that!" "Cat got your tongue? Where's Cloonan?" The child's little face quivered and screwed, each feature drawing itself into position for tears.