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Their bones lay white on every island in the fens; their corpses rotted on gallows beneath every Norman keep; their few survivors crawled into monasteries, with eyes picked out, or hands and feet cut off, or took to the wild wood as strong outlaws, like their successors and representatives, Robin Hood, Scarlet, and John, Adam Bell, and Clym of the Cleugh, and William of Cloudeslee.

And at length they lost sight of Martin and the cows; and they began to run up a little cleugh which we call Corri-nan-Shian, where there is a wee bit stripe of a burn, and they saw there Good guide us! a White Woman sitting on the burnside wringing her hands so the bairns were frighted to see a strange woman sitting there, all but Halbert, who will be sixteen come Whitsuntide; and, besides, he never feared ony thing and when they went up to her behold she was passed away!"

And as the law binds us, the law should loose us. Besides, a man's aye the better thought o' in our country for having been afore the Feifteen. 'Excellently argued, my friend! Away with you, and send your papers to me. Come, Colonel, we have no more to do here. 'God, we'll ding Jock o' Dawston Cleugh now after a'! said Dinmont, slapping his thigh in great exultation.

Gifted in every particular with a higher degree of imagination than that of her sister, she was an admirer of the beauties of nature, a taste which compensates many evils to those who happen to enjoy it. Here her character of a fine lady stopped short, where she ought to have Scream'd at ilk cleugh, and screech'd at ilka how, As loud as she had seen the worrie-cow.

In course of time other iron works were erected, at Clyde Cleugh, Muirkirk, and Devon the managers and overseers of which, as well as the workmen, had mostly received their training and experience at Carron until at length the iron trade of Scotland has assumed such a magnitude that its manufacturers are enabled to export to England and other countries upwards of 500,000 tons a-year.

"I say 'Yes' to all from Dardale Moss, as black as pitch and as rotten as the grave, up that zigzag wall you call a road, that looks like chalk in the moonlight, through Dunner Cleugh, as dark as a coal-pit, and down here to the George and the Dragon, where you have a roaring fire, wise men, good punch here it is and a corpse in your coach-house.

The Scottish army was completely shattered; ten thousand dead or dying men were left on the field of Pinkie Cleugh. The English loss was small. Somerset however merely did very much what he had done before when he sacked Edinburgh in the last reign, ravaging and retiring.

Weel, after a', the cleugh we were in was strait, and the mist cam thick, and there was good hope the dragoons wad hae missed us if we could hae held our tongues; but, as if auld Kettledrummle himsell hadna made din eneugh to waken the very dead, they behoved a' to skirl up a psalm that ye wad hae heard as far as Lanrick!

'We're at the auld wark o' the marches again, Jock o' Dawston Cleugh and me.

He then chose ground where his front was defended, first by the little burn of Bannock, which at one point winds through a cleugh with steep banks, and next by two morasses, Halbert's bog and Milton bog. What is now arable ground may have been a loch in old days, and these two marshes were then impassable by a column of attack.