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Chillingly," said she, "I ought to apologize for my husband's invitation to what must seem to you so frivolous an entertainment as a child's party. But when Mr. Emlyn asked you to come to us this evening, he was not aware that Clemmy had also invited her young friends. He had looked forward to rational conversation with you on his own favourite studies."

I've my doubts about that; but it wears well, and saves a quantity of snarling, which the genuine article don't always. 'See how you used to go on once, yourself, you know! said Clemency. 'Ah! said Mr. Britain. 'But the most extraordinary thing, Clemmy, is that I should live to be brought round, through you. That's the strange part of it. Through you!

It was no sin against etiquette to give the locket to a child like Clemmy, but would it not be a cruel impertinence to offer a gift to Lily? Jessie spoke: "Miss Mordaunt took a great fancy to this ring, Mr. Chillingly. I am sure her aunt would like her to have it. I have a great mind to put it by on the chance of Mrs. Cameron's calling here. It would be a pity if it were bought by some one else."

"Which of those two surveyor fellows is it, Clemmy?" he said with an engaging smile, yet halting at a strategic distance. "Is what?" "Wot you're goin' to marry." "Idiot!" "That ain't tellin' which," responded the boy darkly. Clementina swept by him into the sitting-room, where he heard her declare that "really that boy was getting too low and vulgar for anything."

After going and frightening one out of one's life with noises and lanterns, and I don't know what all. Matter! Oh, yes! 'If you're frightened out of your life by a lantern, Clemmy, said Mr. Britain, composedly blowing it out and hanging it up again, 'that apparition's very soon got rid of.

In fact they did belong to her, and she stood in them, and a rosy comfortable-looking soul she was: with as much soap on her glossy face as in times of yore, but with whole elbows now, that had grown quite dimpled in her improved condition. 'You're late, Clemmy! said Mr. Britain.

"But," continued the vicar, smiling, "she has no matrimonial designs on you at present. She is only twelve years old, my little girl Clemmy." "Clemmy! she is your daughter? I did not know that. I very gratefully accept your invitation." "I must not keep you longer from your amusement. The sky is just clouded enough for sport. What fly do you use?"

Somers, who saw that she had small chance of selling the locket to Clemmy, was now addressing herself to the elder girl more likely to have sufficient pocket-money, and whom, at all events, it was quite safe to trust. "The ring fits you so nicely, Miss Mordaunt, and every young lady of your age wears at least one ring; allow me to put it up."

But to return to the more interesting question of half holidays; I declare that Clemmy is leading off your husband in triumph. He is actually going to be Puss in the Corner." "When you know more of Charles, I mean my husband, you will discover that his whole life is more or less of a holiday.

He presented the locket to Clemmy with brief kindly words which easily removed any scruple she might have had in accepting it; and, delighted with her acquisition, she bounded off to the vicarage, impatient to show the prize to her mamma and sisters, and more especially to Miss Mary Burrows, who was coming to lunch with them. Kenelm walked on slowly by Lily's side. "You have a good heart, Mr.