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A lighthouse on the mainland flashed a bright ray at them before the rising sun rendered its warning unnecessary. Still dogging them, the Cigno followed in their wake at half speed, but Stump gave no eye to the warship. He continued to scan the coast intently. A low, double- peaked hill intervened between the lofty Jebel Aduali and the ship.

Probably he was surprised to find himself in the presence of two such beautiful women. Though Irene spoke Italian, Mrs. Haxton took on herself the role of interpreter. The Cigno carried two letters from the Governor of Massowah, she said. One was addressed to Signor Fenshawe, the other to the signor captain of the British yacht Aphrodite.

When its saddle cut the summit of the more distant mountain, Stump changed the course sharply. To Royson's surprise, the yacht turned due west, and headed for the point whence the lighthouse had gleamed half an hour earlier. And now, instead of looking ahead, Stump kept his telescope glued on the Cigno.

The French officers at Pajura thought he was rather cracked to take ladies with him, yet they were obliged to admit that desert travel was healthy and enjoyable, provided supplies were ample, and, on this score, the skilled explorer of Soudan by-ways showed that he had lost none of his cunning. Before the caravan started news came from Aden that the Cigno had been dragged off her sandspit.

Royson aroused the chief, and gave him the skipper's message. Tagg, rubbing his eyes, came on deck. He looked at the Cigno, heard her dismal trumpeting, and slowly took, in the surroundings. "Well, s'elp me!" he grinned. "Sorry to rake cold ashes, cap'n, but isn't that where you piled up the Ocean Queen?" "Don't I know it!" growled' Stump, "One solid month, we stuck there, didn't we, Tagg?

Listen to him," for another wail reached them from the disconsolate warship. "He's fixed there as though, he was glued to it. He'll have to jettison all his bunker an' a gun or two afore he gets off. They tell me Cigno means 'swan. I wonder wot's the I-talian for 'goose. Go an' tell Tagg. Tell him to tumble up quick, if on'y for the sake of ole times."

The British ensign was run up, followed by the answering pennant, the mainsail was lowered, the foresail backed, and the yacht was brought to, while the Italian ship, which was made out to be the Cigno, came on rapidly. Mrs. Haxton approached. Stump and whispered in his ear. "Quite right, ma'am," he nodded. He walked forward and looked at the crew, mustered in full strength in the fore part.

Hence, when, the Cigno stopped her panting engines abreast of the Aphrodite, there were many more pairs of eyes watching from the yacht than the Italian captain reckoned on. The warship lowered a boat. Something went wrong with the gear, the after block jammed, the boat fell and dangled from her davits bows first, and an officer and half a dozen men were thrown into the sea.

"He's found it," he roared, his voice almost rivaling the hoarseness of the far-off foghorn. "Sink me If that Dago wasn't so taken up with pipin' my antics that he's gone an' done it!" "Done what, sir?" asked Dick, seeing that his respected skipper was in hilarious mood. "Run his bloomin' Cigno onto the Scilla Shoal. Damme, I thought he'd do it.

Come on, Tagg, we'll have a tot o' rum an' drink to the rotten ole hulk which gev' us best ag'in that swaggerin' I-talian. My godfather, won't Becky be pleased when she hears of it!" And the two dived below to partake of the generous spirit which pays homage to the rising sun, while the Cigno bleated her distress to deaf ears.