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I'm not going to say another word, and if I do, please give me a smack. I'm ever so ashamed to have made my darling little Mother cry!" She got off the bed, and giving a hard scrub to her eyes, stuffed her handkerchief back into her pocket with a determined air, as if the tears went with it. All the same, her voice sounded choky, and there were such bright drops glistening on Mrs.

From Boulogne they went to Switzerland, where they passed Christmas. Lady Burton says, "I got quite choky, and Richard ran away and locked himself up." A rather ludicrous incident occurred here. They were expecting a visit from the famous Elisee Reclus. Lady Burton prepared herself to receive him with honour, and she had beforehand been warned of his little peculiarities.

"Well, my dears," said poor Jane, looking round at all the eager faces, "I'd better read your mother's letter aloud. I've read it three times to myself, and have got over the choky business; so now I can read it aloud without breaking down. This is what your mother says, children. If I stand up, my loves, you'll all hear it better." Jane Macalister stood up at the end of the long table.

"I don't know why, Martin," she had answered, with a choky little laugh, "but it seems as if I just can't bear to give it up." "Why?" "I I like it all so well the way you planned it." "Just liking a thing isn't always good reason for having it. It'll make lots more for you to take care of.

She kept quite still for an instant, and then she rose from the little crumpled heap in the corner of the leather couch where she had dropped for a minute in the dark to cry out the strange ache of her heart when she thought Michael was safely in the kitchen for a while. "Why, yes, Michael!" she said, and her voice sounded choky, though she was struggling to make it natural.

"You may not have a great voice, but you are much more thoroughly trained than half the amateurs whose squallings and screechings are applauded to the echo." "I do not know why, but I really did not feel that I could sing, Mrs. Needham. I do not often feel miserable and choky, but I did last night.

You've got your passport." "Yes; if I'm going it had better be at once. Only Mother if if I wanted to stay out somewhere America or anywhere, would you mind coming presently?" "Wherever and whenever you send for me. But don't send until you really want me." Jon drew a deep breath. "I feel England's choky."

I feel so sort of choky and queer." "You'll get over it. Don't worry. You look too sweet for words. Take a peek at the stage. It's a dream." It was a pretty setting. Along the light green walls were white curtained windows in whose boxes grew bright, red roses, and swinging from the dimly lighted ceiling was the green and yellow shamrock presented by a former class.

She never gets into a 'bus or takes any vehicular advantage over a widow, and she feels choky if she sees any one very old. "Do you know why?" she asked. "Because they are, so near Heaven, and sometimes I think you see the reflection of it in their faces." "Like Cousin Penelope," I said.

First a grimy little hand came on her shoulder, as she sat sniffing behind the handkerchief; then, peeping out, she saw an apple-cheeked face very near her own, with eyes full of pity, penitence, and affection; and then she heard a choky little voice say earnestly, "Don't cry, aunty; I'm sorry I was rude.