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It is a pitiful thing to hear a poor man plead, 'Sir, what can I do? when his heart burns with a sense of intolerable wrong, and to feel that the best advice you can give him is that he should bear it patiently." "I call that too sentimental on your part, Forbes," remonstrated Mr. Chiverton. "The laborers are quiet yet, and guidable as their own oxen, but look at the trades striking everywhere.

But he could bear it, sustained by the bitter tonic of his own numerous aversions. One chief aversion was present at this moment in the elegant person of Mr. Oliver Smith. Mr. Oliver Smith was called not too strong in the head, but he was good, and possessed the irresistible influence of goodness. Mr. Chiverton hated his mild tenacity. His own temper was purely despotic.

Chiverton, who sat like a fine statue against the wall, unsought of partners, and Bessie went with cheerful submission. Her former school-rival was kind to her now with a patronizing, married superiority that she did not dislike. Mrs. Chiverton knew from her husband of the family project for Miss Fairfax's settlement in life, and as she approved of Mr.

A few have never been guided by it they have acted on the ancient law that the land is the Lord's, and the profit of the land for all and many more begin to acknowledge that it is a false principle by which it is not safe to be guided any longer. Pushed as far as it will go, the result is Gifford." "And myself," added Mr. Chiverton in a quieter voice as he rose from his chair. Mr.

Cecil Burleigh's reputation was greater yet than his achievement, but a man's possibilities impress the young and enthusiastic even more than his successes accomplished. "You hold subversive views, Burleigh views to which the public mind is not educated up, nor will be in this generation," said Mr. Chiverton. "The old order of things will last my time." "Changes move fast now-a-days," said Mr.

She could not forbear a smile at the candid assertion of power they implied, and as Mr. Forbes smiled too with a twinkle of amused surprise, Bessie said sportively, "And if Mr. Chiverton is rebellious and won't take them away, then what shall you do?" Mrs. Chiverton was dumb; perhaps this probability had not occurred to her ruling mind. Mr.

These remarks were so distinctly enunciated that every eye was at once attracted to Bessie's face. She colored, and with an odd, fastidious twist of her mouth the feminine rendering of the squire's cynical smile she answered, "Mrs. Chiverton has what she married for: God grant her satisfaction in it, and save me from her temptation!"

To the end my lady preserved her animation, and when the visitors had mounted and were ready to ride away she still engaged Mr. Fairfax's ear while she expounded her views of the mischief that would accrue if ever election by ballot became the law of the land. "You must talk to Chiverton about that," said the squire, lifting his hat and moving off.

We have numerous passages in and out of the novels the chief of them being the remarkable conversation with Captain Clutterbuck in the Introduction to the Fortunes of Nigel and the reflections in the Diary on Sir John Chiverton and Brambletye House showing that Scott knew perfectly well the construction and the stringing of his fiddle, as well as the trick of applying his rosin.

In the last ten years of his life, however, imitations, chiefly of his historical style, did appear in great numbers; and he has left in his diary an extremely interesting, a very good-natured, but a very shrewd and just criticism upon them in general, and upon two in particular the Brambletye House of Horace Smith, one of the authors of the delightful parodies called Rejected Addresses, and the first book, Sir John Chiverton, of an author who was to continue writing for some half century, and at times to attain very great popularity.