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He's a chiropodist." These girls are all types of the skating-rink an institution which is beginning to express itself in American manners. The rink and the ground opposite the hotel were in full tilt.

He's a chiropodist." These girls are all types of the skating-rink an institution which is beginning to express itself in American manners. The rink and the, ground opposite the hotel were in full tilt.

"'Well, my friend continued, 'following my wife's urgent counsel, I kept on, as I told you, for a whole year with my specialists, going from head to foot, and tapering off with a chiropodist. I got a deal of amusement out of their contrivances and experiments. Some of them lighted up my internal surfaces with electrical or other illuminating apparatus.

Marshall Field decked out the body; Lindsay, Thornton, and Co. repaired the body as best they could. It was all one trade. On State Street the sandwich men were sauntering dejectedly through the crowd of shoppers: "Professor Herman Sorter, Chiropodist." "Go to Manassas for Spectacles"; it was the same thing.

That part of the town was not quite awake yet; the step sounding in the main street was that of the belated night- wanderer. He turned down Victoria Street, looking about him in surprise; he had never been here before. He read the door-plates: Artists' Bureau, Artisan Heim, Lodging for Artists, Masseur & Chiropodist, Costumes for Hire. Most of the announcements were in foreign languages.

Her first appearance on the stage was in Paris, 1690, at the Opéra. Bovine writes of her: "This airy, fairy thing danced into our hearts; her movements are those of a gossamer gadfly she is the embodiment of spring, summer, autumn and winter." By this one can clearly see that in a trice she had Paris at her feet and what feet! Pierre Dugaz, the celebrated chiropodist, describes them for us.

Steevens shows that his intentness of observation in New York has for the moment dimmed his mental vision of London. It is a case, I fancy, in which the expectation was father to the thought. Similarly, Mr. Steevens notes, "No chiropodist worthy of the name but keeps at his door a modelled human foot the size of a cab-horse; and other trades go and do likewise."

Sylvester's manicure had set up a small establishment for herself, and admitted as partner a certain chiropodist named Boone. The two artists felt that by sharing expenses they might increase profits, and there was a sleeping thought in both their minds that the partnership might ripen into marriage if the financial returns of the business were satisfactory.

In the generality of cases the plans recommended above, if properly performed, will effect a cure, but if the corn, from pressure or from any other cause, should return, remove it again, and proceed as before directed. I am quite sure that of such a plan were adopted, every town of any size in the kingdom would employee regularly one chiropodist at least.

The hatter had furnished a silk tile, the shoemaker, shoes, and the haberdasher all the other articles necessary to complete my wearing apparel in the most up-to-date style. The barber, the manicurists, and even the chiropodist had visited me and taken extra pains in polishing me off.