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The butts were rich with brass-work, and the barrels shone as he held them out in the firelight. "You needn't dodge your heads about so gingerly. I'm only about to give you an exhibition. How many tall candlesticks have you in the house besides the pair here?" he inquired of Prudy. "Dree pair." "Put candles in the other two pairs and set them on the chimney-shelf." "Why?" "Do as I tell you."

Darco began to prowl about the room, setting chairs in place with great precision, arranging ornaments on the chimney-shelf, and settling pictures on the wall with methodical exactness, muttering meanwhile, 'Nodes. Dake nodes. I am dalking to my brivade zegredary. Nodes. Dake nodes. Paul was familiar with his ways, and waited seriously. 'But this down, said Darco, pacing and turning suddenly.

Unmounted photographs appeared upon the wall, an ivory Faust and Gretchen from Nuremberg stood, self-centred and unobservant, upon the chimney-shelf among trophies from Turkey, and Japan, Spain, and Norway.

She took a coal of fire with the tongs, and blew it fiercely, to light a lamp by. When it was alight, she set it on the chimney-shelf, revealing thereby a man at the back of the room, balancing his chair on two legs against the wail; his feet were on its highest round, and he twirled his thumbs. "Hum," he said, when he saw me observing him; "this is the oldest darter, is it?"

The kitchen, with its two box-beds hung with clean check curtains, with its wide stone chimney, its chimney-shelf four yards long and garnished with lanterns and religious statuettes, its array of chests and pair of ticking clocks, was the very model of what a kitchen ought to be; a melodrama kitchen, suitable for bandits or noblemen in disguise.

Penrose was silent also, and nothing was heard in the room save the tremulous beat of an old watch that hung over the chimney-shelf one of the memorials of a husband and father long since taken, and now almost forgotten. At last Amanda, without turning her face towards the pastor, said: 'Sir, I'm a sinner a lost sinner. 'No, you are not, replied Mr. Penrose.

But after that there was only one one one that filled my mind. I am afraid." "Afraid!" he repeated, with the man's look of the chase in his eye, "afraid of what, Katrine?" She had moved by the fireplace, and with a hand on the chimney-shelf turned her eyes to meet his own, with the clear, unafraid look in them of the olden times.

At the same time, the chandeliers and the flambeaux on the chimney-shelf shed such a flood of light on the two friends that their faces, strongly illuminated, failed, in spite of their diplomatic discretion, to conceal the faint expression of their feelings either from the keen-sighted countess or the artless stranger.

I sat in the chimney-corner and kept stirring the porridge while the Hags dozed before the fire. First, I got a dish and ladle and took out of the pot some half-cooked porridge. This I left one side. Then I took down the salt-box that was on the chimney-shelf and mixed handfuls of salt in the porridge left in the pot.

This innermost room had a shabby carpet, the windows were hung with gray holland curtains; the furniture consisted of a few mahogany chairs, two armchairs, a desk with a revolving front, an ordinary office table, and on the chimney-shelf, a dingy clock and two old candlesticks.