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To take one instance: Mr. Burleigh, the well-known war correspondent, and Mr. Winks were arrested and "run in" with Mr. J. Knight, a workman, for seditious language. I went down to the police-station to offer bail for the latter: Chief-Constable Howard accepted bail for Messrs. Burleigh and Winks, but refused it for Mr. Knight.

Little ran to it himself, and found a sergeant of police, who told him in a low voice he brought a message from the chief-constable. "I was to tell you it is all right; he is following the party himself. He will call on you at twelve to-morrow morning." "Not before that?" said Little.

At an early age he went to his Uncle Vladislaus, King of Hungary and Bohemia: for Alas, after all, we shall have to cast a glance into that unbeautiful Hungarian-Bohemian scramble, comparable to an "Irish Donnybrook," where Albert Achilles long walked as Chief-Constable.

"Not to be found!" she faltered. She did not know Mr. Ransome, but he knew her; and he came to the carriage-window and said, in a low voice, "Miss Carden, I am the chief-constable. I would advise you to return home. The fact is, there has been an explosion here, and a young woman nearly killed." "Poor creature! But Mr. Little! Oh, sir! Oh, sir!"

He then knocked at the door, and a woman in charge of the house opened it. "I am the chief-constable of Hillsborough; and this is my friend Mr. Park; he is looking out for a furnished house. Can he see this one?" The woman said, "Certainly, gentlemen," and showed them over the house. Ransome opened the second-story window, and looked out on the back garden.

Now at nine o'clock of this very night the chief-constable of Hillsborough was drinking tea with Little scarcely twenty yards from the scene of the proposed abduction. Not that either he or Little had the least notion of the conspiracy. The fact is, Hillsborough had lately been deluged with false coin, neatly executed, and passed with great dexterity.