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We were kindly received by his son, whose bungalow occupies a knoll, of which there are several, which attracted our attention as being the only elevations fifty feet high which we had ascended since leaving the foot of the Sikkim Himalaya. The climate of Chattuc is excessively damp and hot throughout the year, but though sunk amid interminable swamps, the place is perfectly healthy!

Large valleys enter the hills, and are divided by hog-backed spurs, and it is far within these valleys that the waterfalls and precipices occur; but the nearer and further cliffs being thrown by perspective into one range, they seem to rise out of the Jheels so abruptly as to remind one of some precipitous island in the ocean. Chattuc is mainly indebted for its existence to the late Mr.

Many small villages were scattered along the banks, each with a swarm of boats, and rude kilns for burning the lime brought from the Khasia mountains, which is done with grass and bushes. We ascended to Chattuc, against a gentle current, arriving on the 9th.

Thomson for the Khasia mountains Mahanuddy river Vegetation of banks Maldah Alligators Rampore-Bauleah Climate of Ganges Pubna Jummul river Altered course of Burrampooter and Megna Dacca Conch shells Saws Cotton muslins Fruit Vegetation Elevation Rose of Bengal Burrampooter Delta of Soormah river Jheels Soil Vegetation Navigation Mosquitos Atmospheric pressure Effects of geological changes Imbedding of plants Teelas or islets Chattuc Salubrious climate Rains Canoes Pundua Mr.