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I can say to folks, 'See here: here's a couple o' smart, han'some children. You can have 'em for nothin', 'n' needn't resk the onsartainty o' gittin' married 'n' raisin' yer own; 'n' when yer come ter that, yer wouldn't stan' no charnce o' gittin' any as likely as these air, if ye did." "That's true as the gospel!" said Samantha.

How little I have done for him compared with that from which he has saved me!" There was a knock at the door and Zany quickly entered. "I des slip off while ole miss in de sto'-room, ter gib you a warnin', Miss Lou. Hain't had no charnce till dis minit. Dat ar ole fox, Perkins, been snoopin' roun' yistidy arter we un's tracks en las' night he tell Mad Whately a heap ob his 'jecterin'."

I thought: 'Blimey, I thought, 'if I ain't under thet blinkin' mountain now, an' all these people, I ses, 'is the Little People they tell of, that lives inside 'ills, an' on'y comes out under the moon. I remembered thet moonlight debt o' mine, an' I thought 'I'm done with the mud now, I'm comin' alive now, I ses, 'and this'll be my charnce. Presently Elbert come back to me, an' 'e was draggin' a soldier by the 'and.

Mebbe she hafter hep me git Marse Scoville off, ef he took en ef he woun'ed she de one ter 'tect en keer fer 'im. Dat ar Perkins kill 'im sho, ef he git de charnce. Now ef you years me toot twice lak a squinch-owl, you knows dat you got ter go en tell Miss Lou dat I need her hep en dat I gwine ter creep 'long de pazzer roof ter her winder.

Counting left-right, and keeping elbow-touch with the next man, W. Keyse got in a whisper: "I say, Sergeant, am I in for it as well as Ole Bulgy Weskit? You might as well let me know and charnce it!" The Sergeant answered with unfeeling indifference: "Since you ask, I should say you was." "That's a bit 'ard! Wot'll I git?" "Ten to one, your skater." "Wot is my skater?"

Chunk had touched the right chord now. She set her white face like flint in the darkness, and said, "I'll make the attempt, no matter what happens to me." "Den I des sneak out en get he coat en trousers," Zany whispered. "Yes." "En, Miss Lou, you des come out de house dis away wid me en Zany," Chunk added. "Less charnce er bein' stopped.

There might be people 'oo lived among flowers in the sunlight, an', so to say, rented the parlour floor, but not me. I 'ad the upper floor, an' breaved the light o' the moon. As for flowers bless you, I'd never 'ardly seen a flower stuck proper to the ground until a year ago. Well, dearie, I use to make believe as 'ow we'd all get a charnce, all to ourselves, to pay what we owed.

"And why the devil didn't you come?" exclaimed Abraham, looking at him in angry surprise. "'Cos why, Mr. Woodstock? Well, I'll tell yer just the bloomin' truth, an' charnce it. I loss the key out o' my pocket, through 'avin' a hole in it, so I thought as 'ow I'd best just say nothink about neither Slimy nor his room, an' there y'ave it!" Abraham was out of the shop again on the instant.

"I'm in no state to be worried just now and I've no notion of having the police in here because some of their dam' plain-clothes men have heard my attendant saying 'charnce' and 'darnce' like any Britisher especially with this English spy running round loose. By the way, you'll have to be registered? Has my sister seen about it yet?" I said she was attending to it.

The result was immediate pursuit by all within hearing, and Chunk with difficulty escaped by the aid of darkness and his complete familiarity with the place. When at last he found himself secure he panted, "Mout ez well be took fer Chunk ez a hog. Stand des ez good a charnce. Won't try dat ar game agin."