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But you can't 'ave us goin' and being grateful on our bended knees to the sort of person as according to your account of it gave me my first 'usband 'oo was a blackguard if ever there was one, and my last child wot 'ad rickets and so 'andsomely arranged me to go breakin' my leg one night coming back from a party and sliding on the stairs, and in losin' my little bit o' charin' and as near the workus as ever yer see no it ain't common sense."

Allus got enough for a 'eavy booze. Anyway, you talks like a toff. I used to git round to the bar, but it don't run to it now. Two kids; and Teddy's clothes there ain't not so easy to buy now. Missus is out charin'. She'll fetch us a bit o' supper, and I makes out middlin' well along o' my pint and bit o' bacca. How's things, mate?" I said that things were flourishing fairly.

Why, the pore little home is sold up, and the children's scattered among relations, or sent out so young to work it makes yer 'art ache. But if a man dies you see it on every side, in 'Ackney the widow takes in sewin', or goes out charin', or does other people's washin' as well as 'er own, or she mykes boxes something er ruther, any'ow, that makes it possible fur 'er to keep 'er 'ome together.

'Is the three shillings all they have to live on? 'I think she goes out charin' when she can get it, replied Philpot, 'but I don't see as she can do a great deal o' that with three young 'uns to look after, and from what I hear of it she's only just got over a illness and ain't fit to do much. 'My God! said Owen. 'I'll tell you what, said Philpot.

A man and a woman were standing at the corner of a street, talking, and he overheard them as he passed. "'Illoa, Sarah," the man said, "w'ere you goin', eih?" "Goin' roan' the awfices," she answered, "to see if I kin get a job o' charin'!" "Gawblimey!" said the man, laughing at her. "Well, you got to do somethink, 'aven't you?