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So it befel that the man of policy came in the rear; so also it befel that, when at the gates Prosper demanded his audience, Master Porges went in chastened with the message, and came back still more chapfallen to report that her ladyship, his mistress, would receive the messenger of Sir Galors de Born at once, with the lady in his escort.

Before me stood the landlord of the inn, bowing with a light in each hand, as if the more he bent his backbone the more he must propitiate me; while a fat, middle-aged man at his elbow, whom I took to be Fonvelle, smiled feebly at me with a chapfallen expression.

"You don't tell me, Sarah, that you mean to go gadding out at this time of the evening?" cries he, a bit chapfallen, for he knew she carried the keys in an under-pocket beneath her skirt. "And you don't suppose," answers she, "that I can spare the time to watch you play-actin' in my best chair? No, no, my little man! Sit there and amuse yourself: what you do don't make a ha'porth of odds.

Who advised or instructed him to write them down?" "Nobody. It was entirely his own idea, and very thoughtful of him, too, though Dr. Jervis took the paper away from me and said I must rely on my memory." Sir Hector was evidently rather taken aback by this answer, and sat down suddenly, with a distinctly chapfallen air.

Already the youths had commenced battering at the convent doors, when they were summoned by the voice of the Goshawk on horseback. To their confusion they beheld the White Rose herself on his right hand. Chapfallen Dietrich bowed to his sweet mistress. 'We were coming to the rescue, he stammered. A laugh broke from the Goshawk. 'You thought the lady was locked up in the ghostly larder; eh!

You've sent that confounded woman's tale to the editor as my work!" Kate was forced gently to remind him that he had enclosed the MS himself in an envelope and addressed it to a typist with instructions to forward to the Review. Hugh sat down chapfallen. "What a fool I am!" he groaned. "The tale was unspeakable. It is enough to ruin any reputation.

He owed me far more, had he understood life, for thus preserving him a lively interest throughout the journey. I met one of my fellow-passengers months after, driving a street tramway car in San Francisco; and, as the joke was now out of season, told him my name without subterfuge. You never saw a man more chapfallen.

So, much chapfallen, I withdrew from the poop; and, abandoning all my dignities as acting second mate and first-class apprentice, proceeded to make myself at home with the crew forward much against the grain, I confess, although the men received me cordially, and took my part, not only from their liking for me personally, but from their hatred of the chief mate as well.

This time Willis thrust the gun deeper into the water, with the result that about a foot of the muzzle was split open! We had angry words about this accident, for Willis, much chapfallen over the mishap, blamed me, and declared that I ought to buy him a new gun. As I had but fifty cents in the world, there was no other way for me but to scoff at Willis's claim. He then seized all the trout.

"Why then, the bed, the bed should serve you handsomely." "No!" says she, mighty vehement. "You shall make me a better an you will, or I will do with my bed of fern." "Well then, this pot here is noble iron pot for you, at least!" "Why yes," says she, smiling to see me all chapfallen, "'tis indeed a very good pot, let us bring it away with us, though indeed I could do very well without it."