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Margit Salgo's father, a Hungarian Gypsy musician, had married Miss Carrington's sister, much against the desire of Miss Grace Gee Carrington herself. When the orphaned Margit found her way to Centerport she made such an impression upon her aunt's heart that the latter finally took the girl into her own home and adopted her as "Margaret Carrington."

Lake Luna was a beautiful body of water, all of twenty miles long and half as broad, with Centerport on its southern shore and Lumberport and Keyport situated at either end. The first named stood at the mouth of Rocky River which fed the great lake, while Keyport was at the head of Rolling River through which Lake Luna discharged its waters.

"Humph!" chuckled Bobby, "I guess Short thought the old fellow needed the exercise." Just then the girls came to the corner of Whiffle Street The street was narrow and crooked in an elbow here. The houses were mostly small, and were out of repair. It was, indeed, the poor end of Whiffle Street. On the hill end were some of the best residences in Centerport.

"The hat was brand new," said Chet, "and was bought right here in Centerport. Oh, the hospital folks have been trying through the police to find out something about him. Nothing doing, they say." "Why," said Mr. Belding thoughtfully, "there must be some way of discovering who the unfortunate is, even if he cannot remember himself." "Who do you mean, Pa, by 'the unfortunate'?" demanded his son.

Jess Morse demanded, when the three girls left the hospital and walked uptown again. "He can't be any person who has friends in Centerport, or they would look him up." "That seems to be sure enough," admitted her chum. Then: "Shall we walk along with Janet?" "Of course," said Jess. "Are you going home, Miss Steele?" "Yes," said the girl in the Red Cross uniform.

She and her friends laid the plans for the novel fete on this Saturday after Laura's pie baking and after they had discussed the possibility of Prettyman Sweet being the guilty person whose car had run down the strange man now at the Centerport Hospital. They put pies and poetry, and even Purt Sweet, aside, to discuss Laura's idea.

Which was a prophecy likely to be fulfilled, if the past adventures of these same girls were any criterion of the future. For more than a year now the girls of Central High, together with those of the other two high schools of Centerport and the high schools of Lumberport and Keyport all five had been deeply interested in the Girls' Branch League athletics.

"This poor man's money doesn't help him much, does it? He doesn't seem to have any friends here in Centerport. He is just as much a stranger as the man they tell about who came back to his old home town after a great many years and found a lot of changes. As he rode uptown his taxicab stopped to let a funeral go by. "'Who's dead? asked the returned wanderer of the taxicab driver.

For a year and a half the girls of Central High had been interested in the Girls' Branch League athletics; and with their training under Mrs. Case, the athletic instructor, they had all learned something about first-aid work. The girls of Centerport had changed in character without a doubt since the three high schools of the city had become interested so deeply in girls' athletics.

"He's all right!" declared Bobby warmly. "You know just how mean and stingy Purt Sweet is and his mother has more money than anybody else in Centerport. Last Christmas, d'you know what Purt did?" "Something silly, of course," Laura said. "I don't know what you call silly. I call it mean," declared the smaller girl.