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"I've been wondering how it would do to hint to Jeb that it would make a lovely trip if he were to accompany you to Denver for a day, and let you select your own ring." "Oh!" The one word breathed in a scarcely audible sound plainly expressed Sary's ecstasy. Her great hands were loosely clasped before her as her eyes turned ceiling-ward.

They need the older girls to keep them straight." "I fancy Fraulein can do that," Carita said resignedly, remembering the eagle-faced teacher in charge of the hall. "Mary Boyd says she's a pill!" "A what?" "A pill! I asked Mary what that meant, and she said a dose. You know something you have to take and don't like." Blue Bonnet's eyes roamed ceiling-ward and a queer expression curled her lips.

As for the one-eyed man, his knife, held in his left hand, was going up and down between the dish of beans and his mouth with mechanical regularity. At the bean dish, he covered the long blade with a ruddy heap. Then balancing it all nicely, he swung it ceiling-ward, met it half-way by a quick duck of the mouse-covered head, and swept it clean with a dextrous, all-enveloping movement.

You must not forget that you promised me your sword, and I have taken the liberty of presenting it to her Highness." "I remember nothing about promising my sword," said Maurice, gazing ceiling-ward. "What! There was a mental reservation?" "No, Madame. I remember my words only too well. I said that I loved adventure, thoughtless youth that I was, and that I was easy to be found.

I wouldn't advise any philandering." Halloway bent his head backward and gazed meditatively at the cloud of smoke which he sent ceiling-ward. "So the faithful and chivalrous friend is giving me the benefit of his experience touching the stern virtue of an almost Druid life," he commented. "Yet I know these people as few outsiders do." "Nevertheless, you are an outsider, Jack.

He was old and broken himself, wearied with futility, with his head raised, half-closed eyes lifted ceiling-ward, his fluttering draperies now billowy, now closely enwrapping his gaunt frame in the little breeze that came in from the hall. There was not much of comfort to be gained, not much of hope.

She's going to spend the summer at Cape Pleasant, Archie tells me. 'Then she'll have a chance of seeing him play in the championship competition. McCay sucked his cigar in silence for a while, watching with dreamy eyes the blue smoke as it curled ceiling-ward. When he spoke his voice was singularly soft.

He gravitated to the perspiring candidate and, standing on his hands and feet, an attitude which seemingly caused him no inconvenience, reached in the ballot-box and pulling therefrom a handful of votes he cast them ceiling-ward with a shrill laugh, followed by an unintelligible spluttering as he sat down suddenly and began to pick up the scattered pieces of paper.

Her eyes, turned ceiling-ward, rolled largely back and forth; her hips swayed, and as she danced she kept up a constant low singing. This at first seemed to be a translation of the song into some foreign tongue but became eventually apparent as an attempt to fill out the metre of the song with the only words she knew the words of the title