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Myrrh, frankincense, balsam, cinnamon, and casia are here produced, from trees of extraordinary magnitude.

R.M. 1, 13: et milites pro frumento hordeum cogerentur accipere. Similitudinem vini. Beer, for which the Greeks and Romans had no name. Hence Herod. Corruptus. Cum Tacitea indignatione dictum, cf. 4: infectos, so Guen. But the word is often used to denote mere change, without the idea of being made worse, cf. Virg. Geor. 2, 466: Nec casia liquidi corrumpitur usus olivi. Here render fermented.

In the time of Artemidorus, however, the trade of Egypt on the coast of Africa had reached as low down as the Southern Horn; that this trade was still in its infancy, is apparent from a circumstance mentioned by Strabo, on the authority of Artemidorus; that at the straits the cargo was transferred from ships to boats; bastard cinnamon, perhaps casia lignea or hard cinnamon, is specified as one of the principal articles which the Egyptians obtained from the coast of Africa, when they passed the straits of Babelmandeb.