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A traveller got out with his carpetbag in his hand, and was shown into the sanded parlour. The parson rose politely, and made a bow. The traveller touched his hat, without taking it off, looked at Mr.

Black legislatures inevitably abused their power, becoming the instruments of base carpetbag leaders and rings in robbing white property-holders. "Hang, curs, hang! * Their complexion is perfect gallows, Stand fast, good fate, to their hanging! * If they be not born to be hanged, our case is miserable."

So I stood gloomily, clutching my shawl and carpetbag, and watched the stage roll away, taking a parting look at the gallant expressman as he hung on the top rail with one leg, and lit his cigar from the pipe of a running footman. I then turned toward the Wingdam Temperance Hotel. It may have been the weather, or it may have been the pie, but I was not impressed favorably with the house.

Your father did come down among us with what you have heard called a 'carpetbag' in his hands, but it wasn't an empty one: and while the sums he handed out to each of us might be considered inadequate, still they were a purchasing power at a time when things were congested for the lack of any circulating medium whatever.

I wondered how you happened to make such a mistake." "A perfectly natural mistake, I'm sure!" Mrs. Ladybug exclaimed indignantly. "Well, I dare say it is," he admitted. "But you see, that's not my carpetbag. At least, I didn't get it new. It belonged to my great-great-great-grandfather. Indeed, I'm not sure he wasn't even still greater than I've said. He lived in Colorado once so I've been told.

"M. S. What does that stand for?" said little Hendie, reading the white letters painted on the black leather bottom of nurse's carpetbag. He got back, now, often, in the daytime, to his old nursery quarters, where his father liked to hear his chatter and play, for a short time together though he still slept, with Mahala, upstairs. "Does that mean 'Miss Sampson'?"

"At length a brilliant thought flashed across the mind of the doctor. 'The shoo-fly the shoo-fly, said he; 'why didn't we think of that? and out he went for his carpetbag, pulled out some suspicious looking bottles labeled with the mystic words, and made for the bed, entirely covered with a ferocious cloud of the aforesaid 'skeeters' and flies stabbing him for dear life.

He took the carpetbag, opened it, and slipped into it a goodly roll of Bank of England notes, which would pass wherever he might go. "You have forgotten nothing?" he asked. "Nothing, monsieur." "My mackintosh and cloak?" "Here they are. "Good! Take this carpetbag," handing it to Passepartout. "Take good care of it, for there are twenty thousand pounds in it."

It is related that one of the tunnel men, two miles from town, met one of these self- reliant passengers with a carpetbag, umbrella, "Harper's Magazine," and other evidences of "civilization and refinement," plodding along over the road he had just ridden, vainly endeavoring to find the settlement of Smith's Pocket.

It is related that one of the tunnel men, two miles from town, met one of these self-reliant passengers with a carpetbag, umbrella, Harper's Magazine, and other evidences of "Civilization and Refinement," plodding along over the road he had just ridden, vainly endeavoring to find the settlement of Smith's Pocket.