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I know how it is; at first they were amused to have their queen, it was like a holiday. Especially when Dicky talked to them. But freedom is in the blood and it is as foolish to fight against it as against the foreign ships we once tried to keep out of our harbor. Carlina the old Carlina, your Carlina and mine, is no more." She paused at the look of horror which had crept over his withered face.

But, as she had said, if there were more like Otaballo, the kingdom would still be, without all this strife. His stubborn thoughts refused to march into the present. He raised his head again, still a general of Carlina. "Your Majesty," he said, "there is but one way in which a servant of the house of Montferaldo may save himself."

Wilson knew a little Spanish and saw that most of the letters were of recent date and related to the death of a niece. Others mentioned the unsettled condition of government affairs in Carlina.

I want to git this princess with 'Mericans an' I want to show these fellers what 'Mericans can do behin' a rifle. Our game is to git to Carlina and lick the bunch of Guinnies thet has stolen the young lady's throne. If ye wanter do thet an' do it hard and square well, he's fer lettin' this other thing drop.

General Otaballo was the last of one of those old families of Carlina who had spent their lives in the service of the family of Montferaldo. His grandfather, to go back no further, had died defending the last reigning queen, his father had been shot for leading a conspiracy to restore the family, and now the grandson was following in the old way.

Wilson answered slowly after the manner of one willing to consider an offer but eager to make a good bargain. "I don't know but what Carlina would suit me as well as Rio. It's more to get away from here than anything." "You has the right spirit, m' boy." He paused, then added indifferently, "Dunno but what I can find a berth fer you. Come if ye wanter, an' we'll talk it over." Wilson followed.

I am writing this in the hope that you will receive it in time to meet me at the steamer the Columba, a merchantman. It sails at four from Pier 7, East Boston. If not, let me tell you again how much I thank you for what you have done and would do. From time to time I shall write to you, if you wish, and you can write to me in care of Dr. Carl Sorez, the Metropole, Bogova, Carlina.

"Then why can't I go right off to the United States to-day?" exclaimed the impetuous little damsel. "Would you then leave Mamita Lila so suddenly?" inquired her friend; whereupon the emotional child began to weep and protest. This little scene was interrupted by Carlina with two visiting-cards on a silver salver. Mrs. Delano's face flushed unusually as she glanced at them.

Yesterday he jumped at me from Carlina, where I thought he was, 10,000 miles away by sea, and gave the word. Now he is off again on the Columba and is to meet me in Choco Bay." Danbury relighted his pipe and added between puffs over the match: "Now you know the whole story and where we're going. Are you with us?" "Yes," answered Wilson, "I am with you." But his head was whirling.

With a record of past defeats he himself had lost prestige with the hill people. And yet both the priest and Danbury turned to him now to manage the campaign. He knew the people, he knew every detail of the Republican army, every particular of the forts and other defenses, and every traitor in their ranks. To take Carlina it was necessary only to capture Bogova, its capital.