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I know that crops will fail sometimes and boom sometimes, and I know if I live I mean to own three times what I have now; that I'll have a grove a mile square on it, and a lake in the middle, and a farmhouse of colonial style up on the swell where we are living now and that neither John Jacobs nor the First National Bank of Careyville will hold any mortgage on it."

Four years later the men remembered this reply and the attractive face of the speaker, the sound of his voice, and the whole magnetic presence of the man. "John Jacobs?" Shirley called next. "The merchant prince of Careyville," Asher Aydelot declared. "The money-loaning Shylock. Didn't let the boom so much as turn one hair black or white.

Finding the new town of Careyville a strategic point, it headed straight thither, built through it, marked it for a future division point, and forged onward toward the sunset. Dr. Carey had located an office on his claim when there were only four other buildings on the Careyville townsite. Darley Champers opened a branch office there about the same time, although he did not leave Wykerton.

He had a way of evading a direct gaze, suggesting timidity. And when Hans Wyker had threatened to kill John Jacobs he shivered a little, and for the instant a gray pallor crept across his face, unnoted by his companions. "We propose to start a town in the Grass River country that will kill Careyville. We two put up the capital. You do the buying and selling.

Leigh hasn't much ahead of her, nailed down to a chicken lot and a cow pasture and a garden. I wonder they don't move to town. She'd get a clerkship, maybe." Thaine only waited, and Jo ran on. "I'd never stay in the country a minute if I could get to town. I'll be glad when papa's elected treasurer, so we can live in Careyville again. Poor Leigh. Doesn't she look like a drudge?"

Carey all these years. He's past forty now. Asher, we are all getting along." "With a boy nineteen tonight, how can it be otherwise?" Asher replied. "But when the Careyville crowd gets here I'm going to ask you for a dance, anyhow, Miss Thaine." Virginia stood in the moonlight and looked out over the prairie slumbering in a silver-broidered robe of evening mist. "How fast the years have gone.

See, the storm didn't get this side of the purple notches; it stayed over there with Pryor Gaines and Prince Quippi." They rode awhile in silence, then Thaine said: "Leigh, I will go up to Careyville and send Doctor Carey down to Cloverdale to see you. It will save you some time at least, and I'll tell him you want to see him particularly and alone.

But to do Darley justice, he had never made a finer effort in his life of many efforts than he was bent on making tonight. "And this site is the garden spot of it all," he continued. A town here this year will be a city next year, a danged sight bigger city than Careyville will ever be. Why, that town's got its growth and is beginning to decay right now.

Why not stop this snail's pace of earnin' and go to livin' like gentlemen like some Careyville men I know who own hundreds of acres they never earned and they won't improve so's to help others?" "You're right there," a farmer sitting beside Asher Aydelot called out. "We all know how Careyville got her start. It's kept some of us poor doing it. I'll invest in Town Company stock right now."

"Yes, civil life has its heroes, too," the doctor responded. "She also says," he continued, "that John Jacobs has had Hans Wyker convicted of running a joint and Hans had to pay a fine and stick in the Careyville jail thirty days. Hans won't love John for that when he gets out." "What a hater of whisky John Jacobs is. He's always on the firing line and never misses his aim, bless him!"