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"You men must go right ahead and talk as if I weren't here. I won't interrupt, except with a few vivas or carambas or What are some other lady-like Spanish exclamations?" "There aren't very many," Johnnie acknowledged. "I always try to swear in English." Alvarado placed an affectionate hand upon Miss Evans's shoulder. "O'Reilly, this girl has done more for Cuba than any of us.

All this was answered by the pessimist Pecson, a chubby youth with a wide, clownish grin, who spoke of outside influences, whether the Bishop A., the Padre B., or the Provincial C., had been consulted or not, whether or not they had advised that the whole association should be put in jail a suggestion that made Juanito Pelaez so uneasy that he stammered out, "Carambas, don't you drag me into "

I had never heard such uproarious conversation; everybody talked at once, loud exclamations, rolling "carambas," menacing gesticulations with knives, forks, and spoons. I looked every moment for the clash of blows. One man was emphasizing his remarks by flourishing a cup in his hand, seemingly forgetful of the fact that it was nearly full of hot coffee.

The Mexicans came in throngs, filling the air with a chorus of "Caspitas!" and "Carambas!" None of them called Lola "Infanta" nowadays unless it were in a spirit of friendly pleasantry; and she herself had lost much of the air which had brought this contemptuous honor upon her childish head. "She is Mexican yes!" they nodded to one another, deriving much simple satisfaction from the circumstance.

Don't you know, Placido, that I'm getting to be a regular ass? What about Wednesday?" "Wednesday? Wait Wednesday, it was a little wet." "Fine! What about Tuesday, old man?" "Tuesday was the professor's nameday and we went to entertain him with an orchestra, present him flowers and some gifts." "Ah, carambas!" exclaimed Juanito, "that I should have forgotten about it! What an ass I am!

As they rose the high official whispered to the General, "Your Excellency, the daughter of Cabesang Tales has been here again begging for the release of her sick grandfather, who was arrested in place of her father." His Excellency looked at him with an expression of impatience and rubbed his hand across his broad forehead. "Carambas! Can't one be left to eat his breakfast in peace?"

Do you know how to read and write?" "I have graduated in law from the Central University." "Carambas! So you are a pettifogger? Well, you don't look it you look more like a young gentleman. But so much the better! But to find you a wife hm! hm! a wife." "Father, I am not in a hurry about it," said Linares, confused.

Perhaps he may be, not as to the fact but as to the form. It is said that the Rector who is on his way will bring a project for reform in education. Wait a while, give time a chance, apply yourself to your studies as the examinations are near, and carambas! you who already speak Castilian and express yourself easily, what are you bothering yourself about?

Among all the Spanish 'Carambas' and 'Madre de Dioses' it did me good to come out with a good old Yankee 'darn' once in a while. Kept me feelin' like a white man. Oh, I'm a Whittaker! I know it. And I've got all the Whittaker pig-headedness, I guess.

Listen, did he ask for me?" Penitente shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but they gave him a list of his entertainers." "Carambas! Listen Monday, what happened?" "As it was the first school-day, he called the roll and assigned the lesson about mirrors. Look, from here to here, by memory, word for word. We jump all this section, we take that."