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By good luck, 'mong the Injuns we'd captered a Mexikin rennygade thet thing ye see out thar. He war joined in Horned Lizart's lot, an' he'd been wi' 'em some time.

Guess it's all over wi' the poor critters in the cabin, or will be afore we kin do anythin' to help 'em. Ef they ain't kilt, they're captered by this time." Hamersley can scarce restrain himself from uttering an audible groan. Only the evident danger keeps him silent. "I say agin, Frank, 'tair no use our stayin' hyar. Anythin' we kin do must be did elsewhar.

"You see, boys," said he, "real good liquor, like that, don't do nobody no harm. That was the real stuff, prime old apple-jack 'at I'd had in my cellar ten year last Christmas; an' it jest toled that feller across the bay, and captered him, without no manner of diffikilty." There were some among his auditors who could have testified to a decidedly different kind of "capture."

Ward & the twins had bin carried orf by Ryenosserhosses & that Baldinsville had bin captered by a army of Octoroons. When I awoked the lamps was a burnin dimly. Sum of the passinjers was a snorein like pawpusses & the little damsell in the pinc gown was a singin "Oft in the Silly nite."

"Poor Petrick!" said Sure-shot, as we descended the slope, "he weer the joyfulest kimrade I ever hed, an' we must gi' him the berril o' a Christyan. I wonder neow what on airth them verming lies done wi' him? Wheer kin they have hid his body?" "True where is it? It was out yonder on the plain? I saw it there: they had scalped him." "Yees; they sculped him at the time we weer all captered.

"You've got the wrong grave," said a man a worthy villager: "Shakspeare is buried inside the church." "Oh," I said, "a boy told me this was it." The boy larfed and put the shillin I'd given him onto his left eye in a inglorious manner, and commenced moving backwards towards the street. I pursood and captered him, and after talking to him a spell in a skarcastic stile, I let him went.

The man with the wild mare was there. "Now, then, my friends, is your time to see the gerratist queeriosity in the livin' world a wild mare without no hair captered on the roarin wild prahayries of the far distant West by sixteen Injuns. Don't fail to see this gerrate exhibition. Only fifteen cents.