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You were always such an abominable flirt! God! it's worse than hatred; it's loathing. That is unfair, dear. You know I never loved anyone but you! But you flirted, Tony; yes, you did. You nearly drove me mad with jealousy. This is unbearable. And so on, and so on, all the triste canzon. Lady Kingsmead's boudoir was a charming room done in white and pale corn-colour.

The beauty dazzles; The goodness purifies the eye: You are crowned: You hold the world in your hand: Seated on the throne, You support your child. You see I have not chosen this canzon for the beauty and elegance of thought and expression; but give it you as the only printed specimen I could find of the modern Provencal.

He gave those well-known street-ballads which one hears everywhere in Italy, especially in Naples: "Addio mia bella Napoli," "Funiculi Funicula," "L'altro ieri a Piedigrotta," "Margherita di Parete era sarta delle signore," and also more serious songs, such as the languishing "Ogni sera di sotto all' mio balcone sento cantar una canzon d' amore."

The schoolmaster continued, "When I heard the man humming these words as he passed along the street, I said to myself, 'Except this Umm Amru were without equal in the world, the poets had not celebrated her in ode and canzon. So I fell in love with her; but two days after, the same man passed, singing the following couplet: "'Ass and Umm Amr' went their way, Nor she nor ass returned for aye.

I will now treat you with two or three stanzas of a canzon, or hymn, in this language, to the Virgin Mary, which was lately printed at Nice. Vierge, maire de Dieu, Nuostro buono avocado, Embel car uvostre sieu, En Fenestro adourado, Jeu vous saludi, E demandi en socours; E sense autre preludi, Canti lous uvostre honours.

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the schoolmaster continued, " 'When I heard the man humming these words as he passed along the street, I said to myself 'Except this Umm Amru were without equal in the world, the poets had not celebrated her in ode and canzon. So I fell in love with her; but, two days after, the same man passed, singing the following couplet,

"Sopra il Monte Tarpejo canzon vedra, Un cavalier, ch' Italia tutta onora, Pensoso piu d'altrui, che di se stesso."