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It has also a back-board, to support the back of the canoeman; the paddle, too, is somewhat shorter than that of the Eskimo canoe; and the whole affair is smarter, and more in accordance with the tastes and habits of the civilised men who use it.

"But there is a place not far from here where we can catch fish without hooks," was the answer. "Sure, and I should like to see it!" exclaimed Mike. "But how is it to be done?" "Why, with nets, to be sure," said the canoeman. "And if you like to come with me, I will show you how I do it." Mike at once agreed to the proposal.

It is really wonderful, considering the cranky nature of a canoe at its best, what journeys can be made in them. My skilled canoeman and I used to run wild rapids, and cross over storm swept lakes of large dimensions.

The imperturbable canoeman, having obtained his satisfaction in the thrashing administered, returned to his duties, and paid no more attention to the threats of Sir George. What cared he? It would be many days ere Montreal was reached, and there were many rapids to run and portages to cross, and so there was no need of worrying about what was distant.

Bezkya, the son of my old patient, came well recommended as a good man and a moose-hunter. A "good man" means a strong, steady worker, as canoeman or portager. He may be morally the vilest outcast unhung; that in no wise modifies the phrase "he is a good man." But more: the present was a moosehunter; this is a wonderfully pregnant phrase.

Once inside, Lapierre fixed his eyes upon the boss canoeman. "Well you have watched Apaw what have you found out?" "Apaw I'm t'ink she spik de trut'." "Speak the truth hell! Why didn't he get down here ahead of MacNair, then? What have I got spies for to drag in after MacNair's gone and tell me he's been here?" LeFroy shrugged. "MacNair Injuns dey com' pret' near catch Apaw dey keel Stamix.

At the mouth of the Slave River the outfit was transferred to twelve large freight canoes, each carrying three tons, and manned by six lean-shouldered canoemen, in charge of one Louis LeFroy, Lapierre's boss canoeman. Straight across the vast expanse of Great Slave Lake they headed, and skirting the shore of the north arm, upon the evening of the second day, entered the Yellow Knife River.

But my powers of astonishment reached their limit when later I saw him calmly bringing the canoe round the bend at the foot of Mount Sawyer and up into the narrower part of the river. Now I was not alone in my wonder. Both George and Joe watched with interest equal to mine, for even they had never seen a canoeman pole in water so rough. Job looked as if in his element.

This Indian was by far the best of the three brothers, and both Pierre and the sorcerer looked to him for support. He was strong, active, and daring, a skilful hunter, and a dexterous canoeman.

For a time they were not able to get a successful shot, although a great deal of ammunition was expended. Alec, with Big Tom and his other Indian canoeman, was equally unsuccessful.