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The desert was almost destitute of vegetation; now and then an Ephedra, Oenothera, or bunches of Aristida were seen, and occasionally the level was covered with a growth of Obione canescens, and a low bush with small oval plaited leaves, unknown.

In nearly every instance, where true varieties and not elementary species are concerned, a single term expresses the whole character. Such a list would also serve to illustrate the second point since the same names would recur frequently. Long lists of varieties are called alba, or inermis, or canescens or lutea, and many genera contain the same appellations.

The Blacktailed Godwit is also included in Professor Ansted's list, but I have never seen the bird in the Islands or been able to glean any information concerning it, and there is no specimen in the Museum. GREENSHANK. Totanus canescens, Gmelin. French, "Chevalier gris," "Chevalier aboyeur." The Greenshank can only be considered a rare occasional visitant.

Smooth or glabrous varieties often occur, and some of them have already been cited as instances of the multiplication of varietal names. Positive aberrations are rather rare, and are mostly restricted to a greater density of the pubescence in some hairy species, as in Galeopsis Ladanum canescens, Lotus corniculatus hirsutus and so on.

To successfully cultivate the Amelanchiers a good rich soil is a necessity, while shelter from cutting winds must be afforded if the sheets of flowers are to be seen in their best form. AMORPHA CANESCENS. Lead Plant. Missouri, 1812.