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This is only a rough sketch, we can fill in the details afterward. But think of it. Oh, my dear boy! if I were only a man, and five-and-twenty, with such a chance before me! What a glorious career is yours, if you choose! But of course you will choose. Good gracious, Arnold! who is that?" She pointed to the canvas on the easel, where Iris's face was like the tale of Cambuscan, half told.

Into what violent asseveration our host would have plunged at this declaration, remains, like the tale of Cambuscan bold, veiled in deep mystery; for as he started from the log on which he had been reposing while in the act of unsplicing his bamboo fishing pole, the elder of the Teachmans thrust his head out of the cabin nearest to us "Come, boys, to breakfast!

Theresa wept, as she received the ring, but it was more from sympathy, than from any presentiment of evil; and before she could reply, Valancourt abruptly left the cottage. She followed him to the door, calling upon his name and entreating him to return; but she received no answer, and saw him no more. Call up him, that left half told The story of Cambuscan bold.

One of the most common of these "projects" is as follows: A young woman goes down into the cellar, or into a dark room, with a mirror in her hand, and looking in it, sees the face of her future husband peering at her through the darkness, the mirror being, for the time, as potent as the famous Cambuscan glass of which Chaucer discourses.

But a quotation from Chaucer's beautiful and half-told tale of "Cambuscan" is sufficient: "And so befell that after the thridde cours, While that this king sat thus in his nobley, Herking his minstralles thir thinges play, Beforne him at his bord deliciously, In at the halle door all sodenly Ther came a knight upon a stede of bras, And in his hond a brod mirrour of glas; Upon his thombe he had of gold a ring, And by his side a naked sword hanging; And up he rideth to the highe bord.

But a quotation from Chaucer's beautiful and half-told tale of "Cambuscan" is sufficient: "And so befell that after the thridde cours, While that this king sat thus in his nobley, Herking his minstralles thir thinges play, Beforne him at his bord deliciously, In at the halle door all sodenly Ther came a knight upon a stede of bras, And in his hond a brod mirrour of glas; Upon his thombe he had of gold a ring, And by his side a naked sword hanging; And up he rideth to the highe bord.

Those were days long before the South African War, before the Jameson Raid even when every ship carried out a load of miners for the Transvaal, and returned comparatively empty, though as a rule with plenty of obviously rich men and be-diamonded ladies. But every tide has its backwash; and it so happened that the Cambuscan held as many second and third-class passengers as she could stow.

Seediness marked the second-class; the third-class came from all parts, from the Cape to Pietermaritzburg, but they might have conspired to assemble on the Cambuscan as a protest against high hopes and dreams of a promised land. The protest, let me add, was an entirely passive one.

"What lady?" cried Sir John, with great animation. "Was it Flint the mercer's wife, think you? Ah, she hath a liberal disposition, and will, without the aid of Prince Houssain's carpet or the horse of Cambuscan, transfer the golden shining pieces from her husband's coffers to mine." "No mercer's wife, I think," Mistress Quickly answered, after consideration.

But the most picturesque use of this popular belief occurs in Coleridge's beautiful and tantalizing fragment of Christabel. Has not our own imaginative poet cause to fear that future ages will desire to summon him from his place of rest, as Milton longed "To call him up, who left half told The story of Cambuscan bold?"