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"Croftangry Croftandrew Croftanridge Croftandgrey for sa mony wise hath the name been spellit is weel known to be ane house of grit antiquity; and it is said that King Milcolumb, or Malcolm, being the first of our Scottish princes quha removit across the Firth of Forth, did reside and occupy ane palace at Edinburgh, and had there ane valziant man, who did him man-service by keeping the croft, or corn-land, which was tilled for the convenience of the King's household, and was thence callit Croft-an-ri, that is to say, the King his croft; quhilk place, though now coverit with biggings, is to this day called Croftangry, and lyeth near to the royal palace.

They did not catch what he said, but after repeated questioning Robina found that he was quite pleased with the "chapel." "An' yon mon!" he exclaimed. "Isna' he dressed fine? Wha's yon mon wi' the fine dress?" "Yen's the priest," explained Robina. "Father Fleming, he's callit." "Father Fleming!

Whatten temptations he can offer is oft forgot. Ye'll hae heard tell o' Major Weir the whilom "Bowhead Saint," as they callit him ye'll hae heard tell o' him, laddie? I mind my father talkin' o' his ain greetin' sair for bein' ower young to gang to his hangin'. Had I no?

An' he says in the letter," continued the old woman, warming up with the interest attaching to her subject, "as Donal' wes the only kin left him, an' he'd find himsel' nane the worse o' that. Alexander Gowan, they callit him." "And so this cousin is dead, I suppose?" "Na, na, sir," replied Bell. "Gowan's on his wye back frae Ameriky, ye ken, an' Christian's had word to expect him.

He would ca' them up to the rail at catechism time an' reprove them before a' the congregation." "So you said your catechism in public!" I asked. "There wes aye catechism, atween the Mass an' the preachin'. Aebody had to be prepared to be callit up till they wes marrit, at least! Even aifter that, a body couldna' be sure o' bein' left alane!

Summoned to his Majesty's presence, he was asked why he was giving trouble in attending the Assembly after the Act depriving him of his seat; when he replied: 'He had a calling in his Kirk of God and of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, quhilk he behovit to dischairge at all occasiounes, being orderlie callit thereto, as he wes at this time; and that for feir of a grytter punischment then could any earthly king inflict. The King in anger uttered a threat, when Melville, putting his hand to his head, said: 'Sir, it is this that ye would haiff.

Belovit brother, seeing that God of His mercy, far above my expectation, has callit me over again to Edinburgh, and yet that I feel nature so decayed, and daylie to decay, that I look not for a long continuance of my battle, I would gladly ance discharge my conscience into your bosom, and into the bosom of others in whom I think the fear of God remains.

He was a personage in the community when he had assumed his position as pedagogue. Since he was instructor of youth, he was regarded as capable of assisting the literary pursuits of their parents and elders. "We callit the schoolmaster 'Dominie Dick," explained Willy. "He wes a big mon i' the distric', ye ken, sir! He'd oft write letters for the fowk roond aboot!"

Neighbors from far and near would come to the school for that day. "The best fichter," said Willy, "wes callit the King; the second best, the Queen; the third, the Knave. Them as wouldna' ficht we callit 'fougie. Eh, what a day that wes!" But it must not be thought that the duties of the schoolmaster were confined to his school.