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"Yes, it's cairtainly sober," said Ellen placidly. "Beauty, indeed! I'm past thinking of beauty, after having been up all night giving mother her medicine and encouraging her, and getting her ready in the morning for the ambulance, and going away over to the doctor at Church Hill for my injection this afternoon. I fear to think what I'm looking like, though doubtless it would do me good to know."

My name, as you say, is cairtainly distinguished. Bot zen should I remain in London?” “Just what I was wondering, Baron. What do you say to a trip down to St Egbert’s-on-Sea? It’s a very select watering-place, and we might spend a week or two there very pleasantly.” “Egxellent!” said the Baron; “ven shall we start?” “To-morrow morning.” “Goot! zo let it be.

Surely I cannot be; you did stay in Fogelschloss?” said the Baron. “Is not zis Dr Twiddel?” “Noerahyes,” stammered Twiddel, looking feebly at Welsh. The Baron looked from the one to the other in great perplexity, when Mr Bunker, who had been much puzzled by this conversation, broke in, “Did you call that person Mandell-Essington?” “I cairtainly zought it vas.” “Where did you meet him?”

Cairtainly ve vill shop. Bot, Bonker, Soud Africa? Vas it not Soud America?” “Did I say Africa? America of course I meant. Well, let us shop if you have no objections: then we might have a little lunch, and afterwards visit the Park. For the evening, what do you say to a theatre?” “Goot!” cried the Baron. “Make it tzos.” Mr Bunker’s shopping turned out to be a pretty extensive operation.