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Accordingly the plantons got together and stuffed the contents of a paillasse in the cracks around the door, and particularly in the crack under the door wherein cigarettes were commonly inserted by friends of the entombed. This process made the cabinot air-tight. But the plantons were not taking any chances on disturbing Monsieur le Directeur.

"Look out or he'll get his knife and kill himself!" someone yelled; and the four plantons seized Jean by both arms just as he made a grab for his jacket. Thwarted in his hope and burning with the ignominy of his situation, Jean cast his enormous eyes up at the nearest pillar, crying hysterically: "Everybody is putting me in cabinot because I am black."

Lena I made out at a little distance tottering against the door of the kitchen opposite the cabinot, her hay-coloured head drooping and swaying slowly upon the open breast of her shirt-waist, her legs far apart and propping with difficulty her hinging body, her hands spasmodically searching for the knob of the door. The smoke proceeded from the open cabinot in great ponderous murdering clouds.

I do not need to say that, as soon as the girls who had fainted could be brought to, they joined Lena in pain sec for many days to come; and that Celina was overpowered by six plantons at the order of Monsieur le Directeur and reincarcerated in the cabinot adjoining that from which she had made her velocitous exit reincarcerated without food for twenty-four hours.

The punishment for sending a letter to a girl might possibly be pain sec, but was more often I pronounce the word even now with a sinking of the heart, though curiously enough I escaped that for which it stands cabinot.

Separation of the sexes was enforced, not, it is true, with success, but with a commendable ferocity. The punishments for both men and girls were dry bread and cabinot. "What on earth is cabinot?" I demanded. There were various cabinots: each sex had its regular cabinot, and there were certain extra ones.

And he added, more pleased with himself than anyone had ever seen him: "Maintenant, vous pouvez tous montez a la chambre." We mounted, happy to get back to bed; but none so happy as Jean le Negre. It was not that the cabinot threat had failed to materialize at any minute a planton might call Jean to his punishment: indeed this was what everyone expected.

The four female incorrigibles encountered less difficulty in attaining cabinot than any four specimens of incorrigibility among les hommes. Not only were they placed in dungeon vile with a frequency which amounted to continuity; their sentences were far more severe than those handed out to the men.

He had been caught with the goods that is to say, in the girl's cabinot by said superior: an incapable, strutting, undersized, bepimpled person in a bright uniform who spent his time assuming the poses of a general for the benefit of the ladies; of his admiration for whom and his intentions toward whom he made no secret. By all means one of the most disagreeable petty bullies whom I ever beheld.

If the guilty party would immediately return the stolen towel, he, The Fencer, would guarantee that party pardon; if not, everyone present should be searched, and the man on whose person the serviette was found va attraper quinze jours de cabinot. This eloquence yielding no results, The Fencer exorted the culprit to act like a man and render to Caesar what is Caesar's. Nothing happened.