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This year was as the shadow of the bygane: there was less actual suffering, but what we came through cast a gloom among us, and we did not get up our spirits till the spring was far advanced; the corn was in the ear, and the sun far towards midsummer height, before there was any regular show of gladness in the parish.

The Assembly congratulates itself that "this present has offered some better occasion than in times bygane, and has begun to tread down Satan under foot," which is not a very amiable deliverance: but kindness and charity were not the Christian virtues most approved in those days.

Every Crawford has a right to a bite and a sup from the Crawford land." "That is a' bygane nonsense. Your great-grandfather, if he wanted cattle or meal, could just take the clan and go and harry some Southern body out o' them. That is beyond our power, and it's an unca charge to hae every Crawford looking to you when hunting and fishing fails. They'll do fine in Canada.

"Oh, sir," said the Covenanter, "pardon the freedom o' a plain blunt man, and o' ane whose bosom is burning wi' anxiety; but there is a mystery, there is something attending my deliverance, an' the letter, and your kindness, that I canna see through and I hope, and I fear and I canna I daurna comprehend how it is! but, as it were, the past the lang bygane past, and the present, appear to hae met thegither!

That is a bygane, and there is nae use at a' speiring after it. How is the lad to be saved? That is the question now." "O Jenny, then you dare to hope for his salvation?" "I would think it far mair sinfu' to despair o' it. The Father has twa kinds o' sons, deacon.

There has been a lusty, good-looking kimmer, of some forty, or bygane, making mony speerings about you, my lord." "Well, sir, what did she want with me?" said Lord Nigel. "At first, my lord," replied his sapient follower, "as she seemed to be a well-fashioned woman, and to take pleasure in sensible company, I was no way reluctant to admit her to my conversation."