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In a hansom," returned the new-comer placidly. "So the dwivah ahsked me 'Whah to? y' know. I was feelin' nawsty enough, so I told him 'To pwugatowy! like that! He was ah a vewy litewal-minded puhson." There was a faint flicker of amusement in his gray eyes. "He ah bwought me to the Stock Exchange. Aftah I got out, y' know, I wemembahed that you ah did something heah.

"To what," he continued lightly, "do I owe the honour of this meeting?" "I came downstairs for my dolly," said Elsie. "The one you sent me this morning, do you remember?" "Of course I do, my dear." "And what have you bwought me now, Father Kwistmas?" Robert started. If he was to play the role successfully he must find something to give her now.

Let the starboard bwoadside guns be twained for the thwee ports where we see the most light, Mr Annesley, and let each gun be fired, as it is bwought to bear."

Fopling, tremulous with agitation, "if I'm as weak as this at your wedding, what do you weckon I'll be at my own? 'Pon my word, I think I'll have to be bwought to church in an invalid's chair; I do, weally!" "Bless you, my boy, bless you!" exclaimed Mr. Harley, grasping Richard's hand. Mr. Harley had absorbed the impression, probably from the theaters, that this was the phrase for him.

For answer, Medenham disconnected a lamp and held it close to his own face. "Do you recognize me?" he asked. Devar, in blank astonishment, affected to screw in his eyeglass more firmly. "No," he said, "nor am I particularly anxious to make your acquaintance. You have behaved wather badly, I understand, but that is of no consequence now, as Simmonds has bwought his car he-aw " "Look again, Devar.

"I ordered you not to let them eat that Mashka woot stuff!" Denisov was shouting. "And I saw with my own eyes how Lazarchuk bwought some fwom the fields." "I have given the order again and again, your honor, but they don't obey," answered the quartermaster. Rostov lay down again on his bed and thought complacently: "Let him fuss and bustle now, my job's done and I'm lying down capitally!"

"No, little one," said he, in a melancholy voice, "I wish I was." Then Martha wanted to know whether the doctor had brought his saddlebags, and when Lawrence answered in the affirmative a summer of sunshine seemed to come into the child's heart and burst out over her pretty face. "Oh, I know!" she cried, as she clapped her fat little hands. "Ze gockter has bwought oo a itty baby!"

'Oh I'm all wight. What about Wupert? 'Rupert? He's very well, too. 'Yes, I don't mean that. What about him being married? 'Oh yes, he is married. The Pussum's eyes had a hot flash. 'Oh, he's weally bwought it off then, has he? When was he married? 'A week or two ago. 'Weally! He's never written. 'No. 'No. Don't you think it's too bad? This last was in a tone of challenge.

She gave a glance around, to make sure no one was within ear-shot, and then continued rapidly, "All my life long I've been bwought up to look forward to this time, and to work and plan and pwepare for it. Mother talked as if it would repay me for all my pains, but I've been out thwee seasons now, and I'm tired to death of the everlasting wound. I get so cross and irritated and weary of it all.